A healthcare worker sitting with a patient at a table and explaining the use of a medication she is holding.

Pushing Boundaries in Market System Development .

Health | Systems Strengthening for Health Impact | HIV and AIDS | Primary Health Care | Malaria | Reproductive Health and Family Planning | Tuberculosis | Public Private Partnerships and Investment | Private Sector and Health Markets | Local Capacity Strengthening | Gender
Africa | Asia

Frontier Health Markets (FHM) Engage

Project Dates: October 2021 - September 2026
Engaging health market actors, we provide technical assistance through consumer-centered design, market facilitation, adaptive learning, and coaching for health system change.

As USAID’s flagship private sector health project, Frontier Health Markets (FHM) Engage envisions a world in which engaged market actors and consumers drive the private and public sectors to deliver equitable, quality care within responsive, resilient ecosystems. In practice, this vision for a healthy market is a government-stewarded health market that optimizes the public and private sectors to meet supply-side capacity gaps and consumer preferences, contributing to sustainable market efficiencies and the equitable provision of and access to high-quality family planning , maternal, newborn and child health, malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS products and services.

Led by Chemonics and its core partners—co-technical lead Results for Development, Pathfinder, and Zenysis―FHM Engage catalyzes the adoption of fresh, contextually-relevant pathways in health market development by building on existing structures and offering strong behavioral, technical, and managerial approaches. FHM Engage supports local market actors to build upon current government and donor investments and use systems thinking to understand the market system, identify root causes of market under performance, and develop context-specific and locally informed strategies and solutions to systematically change market environments and health markets. We focus on strengthening the regional and local ecosystem for the design and delivery of technical assistance, effectively augmenting the sustainability of the market solutions that we support.

Our robust partner network of sixteen local, regional, and specialized organizations is the primary mechanism through which we deliver technical assistance and support local market actors. Network implementation partners offer technical expertise, ingenuity, and local systems knowledge in critical market areas, including stewardship, information, regulation, financing, supply, and demand, in Asia and West, East, Central, and Southern Africa.

FHM Engage is currently in its inception phase. This webpage will be updated to provide detailed information on FHM Engage’s activities as the program takes shape.

Project Goals

  • Improved market environment for greater private sector participation in the delivery of health products and services.
  • Improved equal access to and uptake of high-quality consumer driven health products, services, and information.

Our Impact Empowering Tanzania’s Health Sector

Strategic Initiatives for Sustainable Health Systems

As USAID’s flagship private sector health project, Frontier Health Markets (FHM) Engage envisions a world in which engaged market actors and consumers drive the private and public sectors to deliver equitable, quality care within responsive, resilient ecosystems. In practice, this vision for a healthy market is a government-stewarded health market that optimizes the public and…

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A woman in a medical clinic
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