As a dedicated member of the international development community, Chemonics supports educational and advocacy groups that share our views on the importance of international development to advance stability, security, and prosperity.

Council for International Development Companies

A founding member of the Council of International Development Companies (CIDC), we support the coalition’s goals of bringing effective and accountable assistance to developing countries, communicating about the importance of international development, and delivering cost-effective results. Chemonics Chair and former President and CEO Susanna Mudge serves on the CIDC Executive Advisory Board. Read more about CIDC.

Society for International Development-Washington

Chemonics is proud to support the Society for International Development’s Washington chapter (SID-Washington), which brings together the international development community and promotes dialogue and knowledge sharing with the goal of advancing equitable development. Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Melissa Logan serves as Chair of SID-Washington. Read more about SID-Washington.

U.S. Global Leadership Coalition

The U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (USGLC) unites international organizations and experts—from private sector firms to NGOs to think tanks—in support of elevating the role of diplomacy and development in building a better and safer world. Executive Vice President Eric Reading serves on the board of the U.S. Global Leadership Campaign, which promotes a robust foreign affairs investment. Read more about USGLC.

Professional Services Council

As a member of the Professional Services Council (PSC), Chemonics supports fair, effective, and accountable government contracting processes. Read more about the Professional Services Council.

Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network

In support of a strong U.S. role in reducing poverty and promoting sustainable economic growth, Chemonics is a member of the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network (MFAN), which engages industry leaders, practitioners, citizens and private sector organizations. Read more about MFAN.

United Nations Global Compact

As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), Chemonics reinforces its commitment to leadership in human rights, labor, environment, and anticorruption and ensures its work supports key United Nations goals. Read Chemonics’ UNGC Communication on Progress and learn more about the UNGC.

British Expertise International

Chemonics is a member of British Expertise International (BEI), the U.K.’s leading membership organisation for U.K.-based companies working in international development, infrastructure and capacity building internationally, with a focus on developing countries. BEI works closely with the U.K. and foreign governments to support members to identify, assess and secure opportunities internationally through a wide range of activities including networking events, sector-focused forums, bespoke international market intelligence, and demand-based trade missions. Read more about BEI.

International Aid Transparency Initiative

Chemonics International is committed to the mission of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) to improve the transparency and accountability of aid funding for UK aid-funded programs. As a part of the global international development community, we recognize the importance of our responsibility to manage data with integrity. To achieve this aim, relevant UK aid-funded programs are required to regularly publish information about our activities to the IATI Registry in accordance with donor requirements. You can read more about our commitment in this document, which also outlines our criteria for excluding certain types of sensitive data.