Advancing Kosovo Together (AKT)

Project Dates: April 2014 - April 2017
Kosovo Serbs and other minority populations must be further integrated into the country’s institutions and society to help the country become more stable.

Limited cooperation between Kosovo Albanians and Kosovo Serbs since 1999 has hindered the country’s social, economic, and political development, prolonging the region’s instability and lengthening timetables for European Union accession. The USAID Advancing Kosovo Together (AKT) program improved conditions that enabled Kosovo Serbs and other ethnic minorities to participate in the workforce and government institutions while preserving their unique cultural heritage. The program facilitated communications between Kosovo Albanians and Kosovo Serbs and, in turn, increased economic opportunities for non-majority communities, expanded the capacity of municipal administrations to respond efficiently to the needs of all their citizens, and taught local organizations how better to leverage cross-ethnic leadership.