A skyline that includes several tan and white buildings and a mosque in the center.

Building Peace in Libya .

Peace, Stability, and Transition | Peacebuilding and Reconciliation | Democracy and Governance | Vulnerable Groups | Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism
Middle East and North Africa

Libya Transition Initiative (LTI) III

Project Dates: May 2017 - February 2022
It is important to build stability and resiliency through civic engagement and community dialogue in Libya.

After six years of chronic instability and a persistent governance and security vacuum, Libyans increasingly frame their aspirations in terms of survival. The Libya Transition Initiative (LTI) III, under USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives, fostered stability and public confidence in public institutions, aiming to reinforce Libyan resilience and prevent further political fragmentation. Working in partnership with local governing authorities and civil society organizations and continuing the work of LTI II, LTI III hoped to promote long-term peace and stability in Libya.


unique activities and interventions implemented across the country to promote stability and positive political transition


million dollars in assistance disbursed to strategic Libyan partner organizations


residents in the Sirte suburbs provided with running water

Project Goals

  • Improve stability in conflict-affected areas
  • Strengthen citizen confidence in representatives’ public institutions
  • Reduce the influence of militant and extremist groups