People standing at the window of a pharmacy being served by a technician.

Can We Actually Think and Work Politically?

| < 1 Minute Read
Health | Systems Strengthening for Health Impact | Human Resources for Health | Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) | Democracy and Governance | Center for Politically Informed Programming

Robert Brookes and Susan Kemp advocate for collective action to change how we do development and accelerate progress toward development goals.

Development is not working — at least not at the scale or pace needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. This is the central, fact-based premise behind calls and movements to do development differently from host-country recipients of aid, international organizations, donors, and implementing partners.

Such calls emphasize adaptive, locally-owned, problem-solving approaches to tackle chronic development challenges. Proponents of this movement increasingly recognize the role thinking and working politically — or TWP — can play in achieving these goals to actually do development differently.

We know TWP means different things to different people. People often use TWP interchangeably with terms such as doing development differently — or DDD — and, at times, TWP can feel like nothing but the latest buzzword…Read the full article on Devex.

Posts on the Chemonics blog represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Chemonics.


Robert Brookes

Robert Brookes is a public health and project management specialist with more than 14 years of experience designing and managing assistance programs across sectors of development in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. He currently leads efforts to develop corporate relationships with health organizations and experts, and contributes to industry initiatives and discourse to promote and…

Susan Kemp

Susan Kemp is the former global practice lead on the Democracy and Governance Practice.