Several people riding in a blue wooden boat.

Empowering Health Leaders in West and Central Africa and Haiti .

Supply Chain Management | Health Supply Chains | Health | Private Sector and Health Markets | Gender
Africa | Latin America and the Caribbean

Global Health Supply Chain - Technical Assistance Francophone Task Order

Project Dates: February 2017 - February 2022
Through the USAID Global Health Supply Chain (GHSC) - Technical Assistance (TA) Francophone Task Order, health leaders are improving national supply chains and advancing global health security.

USAID’s investments in Francophone countries of West and Central Africa and Haiti have significantly improved availability of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and maternal and child health (MCH) and family planning (FP) commodities. To further enhance the health commodity security in the region, country leaders need to be empowered with knowledge, tools, and resources to address systemic barriers to sustainable health systems.

USAID Global Health Supply Chain (GHSC) – Technical Assistance (TA) Francophone Task Order (TO) is a five-year project that provides specialized supply chain expertise to designated countries of Francophone West Africa and Haiti to improve the efficiency of national supply chains, support national and regional collaboration among supply chain stakeholders, enhance sustainability of supply chain systems, and support the global health security agenda.

Strengthening health supply chains in Francophone West Africa and Haiti requires a nuanced understanding of each country and tailored approaches to fit country contexts. The focus countries of this Task Order vary considerably in the functionality and sustainability of their nationally run supply chains. Common challenges to deliver health commodities stem from poor logistics systems design and inadequate data visibility, storage capacity, commodity financing, and human resources. Specific focus country work programs are designed in consultation with USAID and host governments and reflect most urgent needs in health supply chain in each country. Benin, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Haiti, and Senegal have project offices under this Task Order.

GHSC-TA Francophone TO strategy reconciles the dual objectives of building sustainable health supply chain systems while ensuring the reliable delivery of essential medicines and supplies to the people who need them. Achieving these goals and sustaining results requires an approach that equips in-country partners with the knowledge and resources to lead systems strengthening. GHSC-TA Francophone TO engages in-country stakeholders in strategic planning and supply chain system design and monitoring; empowers local leaders through capacity building approaches that harness technology and change management principles; enables people to excel in their work through access to evidence and data; and instills host-country ownership of in-country supply systems, allowing for continual iteration driven by local actors.  Given the complexity of health supply chain management systems, promoting in-country and regional coordination is paramount for success.  To address and enhance regional collaboration, project staff located in Accra, Ghana provide technical assistance to Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Niger and Togo.

In addition, GHSC-TA Francophone TO supports the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) launched in February 2014 to advance a world safe and secure from infectious disease threats, to bring together nations from all over the world to make new, concrete commitments, and to elevate global health security as a national leaders-level priority. GHSC-TA focuses on the development of an essential competencies framework for supply chain management to respond to public health emergencies efficiently. Once developed and tested in Cameroon, this framework will become available for all GHSA countries.

Project News

Project Goals

  • Strengthen in-country supply systems through technical assistance
  • Support collaboration and regional organizations for improved commodity security
  • Build countries’ supply chain management capacity in the context of global health security and emergency preparedness.

Our Impact Investing in Tomorrow’s Supply Chain by Empowering Youth in Benin

The USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Technical Assistance (GHSC-TA) Francophone Task Order's Young Logisticians Professionals Program is creating a health supply chain support system in Benin and career opportunities for a new generation of supply chain professionals.

USAID’s investments in Francophone countries of West and Central Africa and Haiti have significantly improved availability of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and maternal and child health (MCH) and family planning (FP) commodities. To further enhance the health commodity security in the region, country leaders need to be empowered with knowledge, tools, and resources to address systemic barriers…

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Several people riding in a blue wooden boat.

Our Impact Strengthening Health Systems and Access in Senegal

To improve health systems, the government of Senegal is creating tools, policies, and processes to ensure quality health service delivery.

USAID’s investments in Francophone countries of West and Central Africa and Haiti have significantly improved availability of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and maternal and child health (MCH) and family planning (FP) commodities. To further enhance the health commodity security in the region, country leaders need to be empowered with knowledge, tools, and resources to address systemic barriers…

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A man in a lab coat looking off-camera.

Our Impact Building a Skilled Health Supply Chain Workforce for Haiti

Haiti acquired in-country expertise needed to address the problem of donated medical and laboratory equipment maintenance, moving one more step closer to self-reliance and sustainability.

USAID’s investments in Francophone countries of West and Central Africa and Haiti have significantly improved availability of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and maternal and child health (MCH) and family planning (FP) commodities. To further enhance the health commodity security in the region, country leaders need to be empowered with knowledge, tools, and resources to address systemic barriers…

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Image of several lab technicians sitting at a large desk as one injects fluid into a test tube.

Our Impact Dealing with Counterfeits

A series of training events has helped Benin’s health supply chain workers learn how to safely dispose of counterfeit medicines that would otherwise find their ways into consumers’ hands.

USAID’s investments in Francophone countries of West and Central Africa and Haiti have significantly improved availability of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and maternal and child health (MCH) and family planning (FP) commodities. To further enhance the health commodity security in the region, country leaders need to be empowered with knowledge, tools, and resources to address systemic barriers…

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Counterfeit medicines in circulation must be destroyed sustainably to limit the danger they pose on consumers.
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InfoMed Software Supporting HIV Treatment

In the DRC, the Global Health Supply Chain-Technical Assistance Francophone Task Order helped improve the supply chain with the implementation and use of Infomed, a software that eased the transportation of HIV

Young Logisticians Professionals Program in Benin

The Young Logisticians Professionals Program is tasked to promote young professionals to help health facilities avoid stock-outs, expiring medicines and over-stocked commodities in Benin, implemented under the the Global Health Supply

Women in Supply Chains Event

To commemorate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Global Health Supply Chain Program-Technical Assistance Francophone Task Order (GHSCO-TA FTO) hosted “Women in the Health Supply Chain” panel.

Global Health Supply Chain Technical Assistance Francophone TO

The Global Health Supply Chain Technical Assistance Francophone Task Order, a project awarded to Chemonics International, provided specialized supply chain expertise to multiple countries in West Africa and Haiti.

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