Ibrahim Osta

Ibrahim Osta is an international economic development expert with experience in international trade and investment promotion, youth entrepreneurship, and tourism development. He has designed, launched, and managed international development projects exceeding $140 million in donor financing with an additional quarter billion dollars in leveraged funds from public, private, and international institutions. Currently based in Washington,…

Helping To Conserve the Peruvian Amazon

The Peruvian Amazon is a tropical rainforest covering more than 270,000 square miles, and its vast collection of plant and animal species make Peru one of the world’s most biologically diverse countries. Many Peruvians rely on forest-based livelihoods to feed their families, but a deforestation crisis has jeopardized their jobs. The USAID Peru Environmental Management…

Reforming the Justice System in Indonesia

Over the last decade, multiple government institutions have implemented reforms to increase transparency and accountability. The USAID Changes for Justice (C4J) project worked with Indonesia’s Supreme Court and Attorney General’s Office to sustain and deepen reforms within the justice sector. CJ4 focused on reforms that improve management, transparency, and accountability processes. Additionally, CJ4 dedicated resources…

A Roadmap for Conservation in Colombia

In December 2015, Colombia’s President Juan Manual Santos made a historic commitment to Colombia’s conservation efforts, promising to expand the National Protected Area System by 2.5 million hectares. The government of Colombia is also pursuing expansive rural development that aligns with its peace accord with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). To support these…

Ensuring Sustainable Peace in Colombia

In 2012, the government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) embarked on a peace process, which concluded successfully in 2016 and helped end fifty years of violent conflict. Since signing the peace agreement, the government has had to address the key challenge of ensuring that citizens in conflict-affected regions have access…

Elevating Pakistan’s Enterprises

In Pakistan, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) comprise 98 percent of the country’s 3.8 million businesses, but most of these businesses operate in the undocumented, informal sector. These SMEs face a variety of barriers, from burdensome regulatory procedures to limited access to finance and markets. The USAID Small and Medium Size Enterprise Activity (SMEA) is…

Transforming the Nigerian Agriculture Sector

Most Nigerians live in rural areas and farm for a living, yet their harvests yield little return in local, regional, or international markets. The USAID Maximizing Agricultural Revenue and Key Enterprises in Targeted Sites II (MARKETS II) project helped farmers maximize yields, increase farm incomes, respond to market demands, and reduce food insecurity. MARKETS II…

Strengthening Interethnic Cooperation in Kosovo

Limited cooperation between Kosovo Albanians and Kosovo Serbs since 1999 has hindered the country’s social, economic, and political development, prolonging the region’s instability and lengthening timetables for European Union accession. The USAID Advancing Kosovo Together (AKT) program improved conditions that enabled Kosovo Serbs and other ethnic minorities to participate in the workforce and government institutions…

Building Economic Opportunities in Georgia

Many Georgians, especially those living in rural communities, face hunger and poverty. USAID’s New Economic Opportunities (NEO) Initiative tackled this issue by helping individuals living in rural communities and encouraging long-term economic growth in the country. By providing assistance to local governments, businesses, and people in Georgia, NEO successfully raised incomes, reduced poverty levels, and…