Image of Sri Lanka

Improving Sri Lanka’s Justice System .

Democracy and Governance | Legislative Strengthening | Local Governance and Decentralization | Rule of Law

Efficient and Effective Justice Activity

Project Dates: September 2021 - September 2026
The Efficient and Effective Justice Activity in Sri Lanka will assist in improving the justice system and aligning it with international best practices.

Despite its rich legal and judicial traditions and highly experienced professionals in the justice sector, Sri Lanka faces delayed justice delivery, insufficient communication, lack of human resources, and limited training opportunities for professional development. These challenges have undermined public confidence in the justice system and fueled the government’s desire to improve it and align it with international best practices.

A well-functioning justice system is key to protecting individual rights and ensuring peace in society by upholding the of rule of law. The USAID Efficient and Effective Justice Activity introduces and reinforces features that allow for swift justice delivery, transparency, and effective training to meet international standards for the rule of law and justice.

By creating a more effective justice system, the activity will improve livelihoods and foster a more suitable environment for economic growth.

Project Goals

  • Introduce improved case-management practices and court-management systems and other tools
  • Implement better mechanisms for public information sharing and community engagement
  • Improve the quality of legal education curricula, instruction, and learning
  • Strengthen opportunities for professional and skills development for non-judicial personnel and continuing education for judicial and legal professionals