Chemonics News and Blog

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Enhancing Patient Care in Ethiopia through a Data-Driven Tool

Ayalew Adinew
June 5, 2024
3 Minute Read
In Ethiopia, we are enhancing medication control and providing optimal service delivery through a digital tool that tracks pharmaceutical inventory.
Image of a lake with a boat on the shore. A small white building can be seen in the distance surrounded by tall palm trees.

Tragic but Not Unique: Maternal Death in a Rural Clinic

Julie Becker | Emma Clark
May 5, 2020
4 Minute Read
This maternal health blog sets the scene for a conversation about the challenges of offering quality care in lower volume, more basic health facilities.
Woman talking to a community health worker in Indonesia

Recommendations for a Diverse, Sustained Health Workforce

Rachel Deussom
February 27, 2020
4 Minute Read
How do we establish higher-performing health systems to achieve universal health coverage? These three key recommendations focus on building a diverse workforce to deliver accountable, affordable, accessible, and reliable health care for all.
Image of a woman standing in a village. She is smiling and holding a sign that says "I want clean toilet facilities at rural hospitals."

What Do Women Want? Clean Toilets in Healthcare Facilities

Rachel Deussom | Stephanie Bowen
November 19, 2019
4 Minute Read
We highlight the essential role of clean and working toilets in expanding access to water, sanitation and hygiene in healthcare facilities, ensuring dignified births and high-quality care for all mothers, babies, and families.
Three people in hazmat suits help a woman into a van.

Ready. Set. Prepared: How the One Health Approach Strengthens National Epidemic Response

Grace Tran
November 4, 2019
4 Minute Read
A unilateral sector approach is insufficient in the face of epidemics that don’t respect borders or species. USAID’s HRH2030 One Health activity facilitates multisectoral coordination and collaboration to increase local capacity to prevent, detect, and rapidly respond to epidemic threats.
Colombian mother hugging child

Joining Forces to Strengthen the Health and Social Services Systems

Wanda Jaskiewicz
August 28, 2019
4 Minute Read
Integrating social and health services facilitates coordination and contributes to stronger health systems. Some countries are already integrating these services to protect children against abuse and nourish their environment.
Women's group meeting in Mali

Women’s Groups Leading the Way Towards Self-Reliance in Mali

William Tuleu
August 20, 2019
4 Minute Read
Rural women’s groups in Mali are proving that community health systems get stronger when national-level interventions are paired with community-level capacity building to make communities self-reliant.