Jordan Economic Reform Activity (ERA) Task Order 1
Over more than the past decade, Jordan has faced several external shocks that affected its economic growth. The global financial crisis in 2009 slowed economic activity, and regional conflicts disrupted trade routes with key partners, including Turkey and the European Union. Additionally, in 2011, Egypt’s natural gas supplies were interrupted and, most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic brought economic decline around the world. For Jordan to harness the opportunity for growth in a post-pandemic world, the business enabling environment must be well-positioned to grow the Jordanian private sector.
The USAID Economic Reform Activity (ERA) is designed to support the government of Jordan to prioritize, implement, and sustain economic reform, contributing to one of USAID/Jordan’s development objectives: generate inclusive private sector-led growth. The activity focuses on four primary objectives: 1) advancing economic reform; 2) strengthening the business enabling environment; 3) increasing exports and local, regional, and international investment; and 4) responding to emerging priorities that impact the Jordanian economy. To achieve these objectives, ERA provides technical assistance to the government to analyze, consult on, draft, revise, finalize, and/or implement reform, expanding exports and investment through the Jordanian diaspora and proposing sectors for investment promotion, especially with the potential to impact women and youth.
The activity fosters Jordan’s economic stability by prioritizing and implementing the government’s reform agenda by empowering the government of Jordan, partnering with the Jordanian and international private sectors, and coordinating with other donors.