Manisha Aryal

Manisha Aryal is a development practitioner with more than 25 years of experience in designing and implementing ICT-enabled programs globally. In her current role as the Global Practice Lead for Digital Development, she spearheads the company’s digital development strategy, providing thought leadership and hands-on support to projects and programs that innovate with technology solutions. Manisha also…

Increasing Access to Justice and Enhancing the Rule of Law in Rwanda

Rwanda has made a clear commitment to progress in the justice sector, but key challenges with legal aid provision, law implementation, and public understanding of the justice system remain. To overcome these challenges, USAID’s Duteze Imbere Ubutabera activity improves the quality and effectiveness of Abunzi, the community-based reconciliation system, to resolve local disputes. The activity…

Introducing the Rule of Law in Myanmar

Myanmar’s legal tradition is a unique combination of family customary law, codified English common law, and recent Myanmar legislation. In the five years since it embarked on its political transition, following the military government takeover and reorganization of courts, Myanmar continues to face a breadth of development challenges. Some of these include widespread poverty, an…

Improving Information Sharing and Coordination in Ghana’s Justice Sector

Ghana’s criminal justice system faces a number of challenges: Cases are not handled in a timely manner and a lack of communication within the justice sector has weakened efficiency and effectiveness during criminal prosecutions. USAID/Ghana’s Case Tracking System Activity developed a criminal case tracking system to support the Ghanaian government in effectively investigating and prosecuting…

Modernizing the Sri Lankan Judicial System

To modernize Sri Lanka’s justice system, the USAID Coherent, Open, Responsive, and Effective Justice (CORE Justice) program strengthened the performance of core justice sector institutions and actors through supporting digitization and automation, continuing legal education, as well as organizational and individual skill building. Working in close collaboration with key stakeholders in the judiciary, government, legal…

Enrique Betancourt

Enrique Betancourt is the director of the Citizens Security Initiative at Chemonics, where he contributes to a portfolio of citizen security and justice projects implemented across Latin America and the Caribbean. His work focuses on establishing collaborative mechanisms that bridge the gap between the design and implementation of evidence-based citizen security policies at the national…