Creating Opportunities for Youth in Agriculture

In Uganda, youth unemployment is growing: Each year, 400,000 youth enter the labor market and compete for only 80,000 formal jobs. 75 percent of the workforce and 55 percent of youth in Uganda are engaged in the agriculture sector, and Uganda is addressing youth unemployment, in part, by creating more opportunities for rural youth to…

Breaking Down Barriers to Agribusiness in Uganda

Given Uganda’s favorable weather conditions and wealth of arable land, Uganda’s agriculture sector has enormous potential, but its crop yields remain low. To harness the country’s agricultural potential, the Feed the Future Uganda Enabling Environment for Agriculture Activity is identifying and addressing constraints on agricultural development. By working with public and private actors to create…

Strengthening Maize, Bean, and Coffee Value Chains in Uganda

The majority of Ugandans rely on farming for their incomes, but the country’s agriculture sector, dominated by smallholder farmers, has historically had low economic support and output. The purpose of the Feed the Future Uganda Commodity Production and Marketing Activity was to reduce poverty and promote the long-term prosperity of rural Ugandan families by increasing the…

Education Innovations in Tajikistan

Tajikistan’s long-term goal of nurturing a qualified workforce and national strategies for advancing education and development are shaping a vision for a modern education sector. The USAID Tajikistan Read with Me (RWM) project, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) and its affiliates, procured and developed age-appropriate supplementary reading materials for students…

Improved Livelihoods and Nutrition in Tajikistan

Many women and children in the Khatlon region of Tajikistan lack access to sufficient vitamin A, iron, zinc, iodine, and proteins, which has led to a 31 percent stunting rate. USAID’s Feed the Future Tajikistan Agriculture and Water Activity (TAWA) works to reduce these nutrition deficiencies, supporting farmers in nutrition-sensitive agriculture sectors so they can…

New Lessons in Indonesia’s Higher Education System

In Indonesia, significant public and private resources are invested in education each year, and nearly 3,000 institutions of higher education serve more than four million students. Collaborating with the Indonesian government, the USAID Higher Education Leadership and Management (HELM) project strengthened the capacity of these institutions in the areas of general administration and management, financial…

Fostering the Growth of Salvadoran Small and Medium Enterprises

SMEs account for almost all of Salvadoran businesses, employing more than one-third of the national workforce and generating nearly half of the country’s gross domestic product. USAID’s Small and Medium Enterprises Development Program worked with the Ministry of Economy, the private sector, and international cooperation agencies to strengthen the country’s SMEs. To create a more…

Improving Industry Competitiveness in Moldova

Although apparel, information and technology, wine, home furnishings, and fashion industries in Moldova are stable and capable of growing, they have historically lacked the structured support they need to flourish internationally. The USAID Competitiveness Enhancement and Economic Development (CEED) II project partnered with Moldovan enterprises and the government to support export- and investment-driven growth. Targeting…

Strengthening Haiti’s Judicial System

Haitians tend to perceive justice as inaccessible to most citizens, especially in rural areas, and the pursuit of justice as costly and lengthy. The USAID Haiti Justice Sector Strengthening Program (JSSP) improved the country’s legal framework, protected citizens’ lawful rights, and increased accountability and oversight within the justice system. JSSP’s primary local counterparts are the…

Improving the Guatemalan Justice System

Guatemala’s justice system is vital for the protection of its most vulnerable citizens, including youth, women, indigenous people, and LGBTQI populations. The Guatemalan justice system struggles to fulfill its obligations in the administration of justice, particularly in how it handles juvenile justice, gender-based violence, and human trafficking. USAID’s Youth and Gender Justice Project aims to…

Preventing Crime and Violence in Mexico

With better partnerships across the government and civil society organizations, Mexico can improve the way it targets crime and violence in vulnerable communities.