A smiling man holding a vine covered with red-tinted fruits.

Breaking Down Barriers to Agribusiness in Uganda .

Agriculture and Food Security | Enabling Environment for Food Systems | Climate-Smart Agriculture and Food Systems

Feed the Future Uganda Enabling Environment for Agriculture Activity

Project Dates: April 2013 - July 2020
In Uganda, where half of all exports are agricultural, crop yields are low, but the public and private sectors are collaborating to improve agricultural production and make it easier for farmers to do business.

Given Uganda’s favorable weather conditions and wealth of arable land, Uganda’s agriculture sector has enormous potential, but its crop yields remain low. To harness the country’s agricultural potential, the Feed the Future Uganda Enabling Environment for Agriculture Activity is identifying and addressing constraints on agricultural development. By working with public and private actors to create a policy and regulatory framework that advances agribusiness, the activity is improving agricultural production and trade for farmers.


policies instruments developed that integrate gender and youth concerns and priorities


concise, user-friendly versions of government policies, regulations, and administrative procedures developed and disseminated


private sector organizations and civil society organizations trained to increase their ability to contribute to policy decisions in agriculture development and trade

Project Goals

  • Remove policy and regulatory barriers to agricultural production, processing, marketing, and trade
  • Train the Ugandan government to better support agricultural development
  • Enable the agricultural sector to adapt to the effects of climate change
  • Incorporate perspectives from the government, private sector, and civil society into the reform process

Our Impact A New Agricultural Extension Policy Takes Root in Uganda

When a farmer’s crop is being destroyed by pests or contaminated after harvest, who can she turn to for help? In Uganda, extension agents are becoming better prepared to provide farmers with answers.

Given Uganda’s favorable weather conditions and wealth of arable land, Uganda’s agriculture sector has enormous potential, but its crop yields remain low. To harness the country’s agricultural potential, the Feed the Future Uganda Enabling Environment for Agriculture Activity is identifying and addressing constraints on agricultural development. By working with public and private actors to create…

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Several cabbages growing in a garden.

Our Impact Top Leaders Join Together in Uganda

In Uganda, public, private, and civil sector leaders are teaming up to tackle obstacles hindering the agriculture sector’s growth.

Given Uganda’s favorable weather conditions and wealth of arable land, Uganda’s agriculture sector has enormous potential, but its crop yields remain low. To harness the country’s agricultural potential, the Feed the Future Uganda Enabling Environment for Agriculture Activity is identifying and addressing constraints on agricultural development. By working with public and private actors to create…

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A wooden box filled with small red and yellow fruits. A pair of hands holds a pile of them above the box.
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