Maximizing Business Value from Sustainability Investments Table

The Maximizing Agricultural Revenue and Key Enterprises in Targeted Sites (MARKETS II) project trained master trainers and individuals from national and international organizations, including their beneficiaries. The project also targeted agricultural value chain segments that are more favorable for the involvement of woman and youth, such as service providers, processing, and micro-enterprises. The value of…

MARKETS II Mid-Term Update (2015)

The Maximizing Agricultural Revenue and Key Enterprises in Targeted Sites (MARKETS II) was USAID/Nigeria’s flagship project under Feed the Future (FTF). It aimed to sustainably improve the performance, income, nutrition, and food security of poor Nigerian rural farmers or smallholders in an environmentally friendly manner. Key objectives included smallholder farmer access to increased income, ready…

Showcasing Commitment to Moldova’s IT Sector

Moldova’s IT sector has been seen as a catalyst for economic development with opportunity for quick growth, but assistance was needed. The sector suffered from poor infrastructure, an inexperienced labor force, and was in need of improvements to management practices. USAID’s CEED and CEED II activities have shown that the more Moldova invests in its…

Parents Engaged in Their Children’s Learning

The USAID Georgia Primary Education project (G-PriEd) actively supports the Ministry of Education’s initiative to engage parents in their children’s education. G-PriEd, together with the Ministry, recognizes that the earlier in a child’s educational process parent involvement begins, the more powerful the effects. G-PriEd has prepared a number of resources to extend the learning that…

Quarterly Report: Strengthening Educational Performance-Up (STEP-UP) Zambia Project

USAID’s Strengthening Educational Performance-Up (STEP-Up) Zambia Project provided technical assistance to produce meaningful, measurable improvement in learner performance and literacy at the primary school level. At the heart of STEP-Up Zambia’s approach is the importance of one-on-one relationships at each level of the Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training, and Early Education (MESVTEE) leadership structure,…

Higher Education Leadership and Management in Indonesia

The Higher Education Leadership Management project is USAID/Indonesia’s flagship program in higher education, designed to support the Directorate of Higher Education (Ministry of Education) to implement reforms, strengthen leadership and management and introduce special initiatives and innovations in higher education. This fact sheet summarizes the project’s objectives.

Are Zambian Children Learning?

This infographic reviews Zambia’s education system and how it had achieved significant progress in enabling its students to access education, but with more children in school, the quality of education had declined. As the country’s economy continued to grow in the 2010s, the education sector strived to play a key role in ensuring that Zambians…

Final Report: Nepal Economic, Agriculture, and Trade Activity

USAID’s Nepal Economic, Agriculture, and Trade (NEAT) Activity aimed to build capacities within Nepal’s number one industry — agriculture — to reduce poverty and food insecurity, facilitate important regulatory and ad- ministrative reforms to increase revenue generation and trade, improve access to finance, and attract investment. The project also aimed to address deficiencies in the…

STEP-Up Zambia’s Approach to Improving Learner Performance

The USAID Strengthening Educational Performance-Up (STEP-Up) Zambia project began in December 2011. This report describes how the project team’s first challenge was to understand why the primary education system in Zambia, which once performed well, had in recent years (circa 2012) struggled to deliver quality education and produce students who succeed in higher education. STEP-Up’s…

Final Report: El Salvador Productive Development Project

The Productive Development Project (PDP) was created to help reduce poverty through economic growth in the Northern Zone of El Salvador. To spur economic activity that would boost incomes and demand for labor through productive initiatives and services tailored to rural settings, the PDP team identified three core areas for its work: technical assistance and…

Final Report: Mozambique Integrated Information Network for Decision

Through upgrades in data gathering, knowledge creation, and information sharing, MIND strengthened early warning systems for floods and cyclones and helped improve disaster management and contingency planning. In the process, MIND fostered networking and built Mozambican capacity to unprecedented levels. MIND combined a spectrum of tools — from high-tech, satellite-derived rainfall estimations to multicolored cyclone…