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Final Report: Improving Water and Sanitation Services in the MENA Region .

Project Report | September 30, 2015

The front page of the final report with an image of a man operating a sanitation switchboard and text below that reads "Improving Water and Sanitation Services in the MENA Region (IWSMR)"

The Improving Water and Sanitation Services in the MENA Region (IWSMR) program enhanced MENA water/wastewater manager, engineer, and operator performance.

IWSMR worked with the Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA) to build its capacity and establish a Regional Operator Certification and Training Program (ROCTP). Through pilot ROCTP courses, ACWUA introduced this innovative program which requires operators to study a standardized curriculum and demonstrate job knowledge and skills by passing professional tests leading to legally recognized certification. ROCTP includes operator certifications in water treatment and distribution, wastewater treatment and collection, and utility management. IWSMR also assisted ACWUA in planning and piloting utility twinning exchanges focused on specific deficient utility O&M functions. In addition, IWSMR implemented a capacity building program for ACWUA to facilitate the smooth implementation and sustainability of ROCTP and the twinning activities. The program included strategic business planning and information system assistance to the ACWUA Directorate in order to enhance organization capacity commensurate with standards necessary to receive independent USAID grants. The program included certified courses in training-of-trainers and curricula and test development emphasizing on-job application of practical skills.