Several people circled around a table and talking about documents in the center.

Establishing a Land Market in Tajikistan .

Resilience, Agriculture and Food Security | Enabling Environment for Food Systems | Inclusive Market Systems
Europe and Eurasia

Feed the Future Tajikistan Land Market Development Activity

Project Dates: November 2016 - September 2020
Tajikistan is pursuing its next stage in land reform: establishing a land market to ensure the orderly transfer of land rights.

During the last 10 years, Tajikistan has made great strides in reforming land legislation and increasing knowledge of land-use rights within rural communities. The Feed the Future Tajikistan Land Market Development Activity supported the next wave of reforms by establishing a functional agricultural land market that ensures the orderly transfer of land-use rights in the country. Creating a market in land-use rights in Tajikistan involves designing a simple and transparent land registration process, promoting market-based principles like land appraisal, and ensuring that the proper laws and legal protections that consider gender equality are in place. The project focused on Khatlon Province, which has the largest number of people living below the poverty line and a dominant agricultural sector. Through capacity-building initiatives and public awareness campaigns, citizens benefited from greater transparency in land administration and from higher incomes.


individuals trained in land use rights


individuals provided with legal aid on land issues


percent reduction in land registration time

Project Goals

  • Improve Tajikistan’s land policy and legal and regulatory framework for governing market transactions
  • Introduce market-based principles for agricultural land-use rights
  • Simplify land registration procedures
  • Increase knowledge and protection of agricultural land markets

Our Impact Securing Her Land Rights in Tajikistan

With one project’s support, 25-year-old farm owner Salomat Chorieva overcame social and administrative barriers to land registration in Tajikistan, taking ownership of her rights.

During the last 10 years, Tajikistan has made great strides in reforming land legislation and increasing knowledge of land-use rights within rural communities. The Feed the Future Tajikistan Land Market Development Activity supported the next wave of reforms by establishing a functional agricultural land market that ensures the orderly transfer of land-use rights in the…

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A closeup image of a survey device being operated by someone in a field. Below is a closed caption that reads "The Perspective Plans were introduced in two jamoats (a local level administrative authority" in Jomi and Yovon districts."

The First Land Auction in Tajikistan

USAID helps Tajikistan reach a key milestone on its journey to self-reliance. The first land auction on the leasing of agricultural lands emphasizes the importance of the new procedures for transparent and easy access to lands.

Group of men study a land survey map with drone in the background

Drone Technology for Land Surveying in Tajikistan

USAID, through its Feed the Future Tajikistan Land Market Development Activity, has introduced an innovative land survey technology using drone land mapping that will revolutionize the way land surveyors digitize maps.

video screenshot of woman farmer in Tajikistan

Empowering Women in Rural Khatlon, Tajikistan

The Feed the Future Tajikistan Land Market Development Activity seeks to improve the status of rural women in society by increasing the number of women heads of farms.

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