A close-up image of Syria on a map.

Creating Stability through Education in Syria .

Education | Advancing Quality Education | Stabilization | Peace, Stability, and Transition
Middle East and North Africa

Supporting Education in Syria (Injaz III)

Project Dates: November 2021 - October 2022
Funded by the Department of State, the Supporting Education in Syria (Injaz III) program improves access to and quality of education in Northeast Syria.

Children, young people, and adults alike have been traumatized by more than a decade of conflict in Syria. With more than 2 million children out of school, education remains one of the country’s hardest-hit local governance sectors. Issues that affect children’s abilities to access quality education services range from a lack of infrastructure to the need for psychosocial support; trauma can affect children’s learning abilities and can influence their social development.

Funded by the Department of State, the Supporting Education in Syria (Injaz III) program improves access to and quality of education in Northeast Syria. The program provides subawards to community-based organizations and local government entities for activities that strengthen the service delivery capacities of education authorities and ensure that schools have safe and sanitary physical learning spaces. Injaz III also provides teachers and caregivers with the psychosocial support skills needed to address youth trauma, support technical and vocational education and training (TVET), and develop reintegration and social cohesion programs.

Project Goals

  • Increase equitable access to education by providing alternatives to radicalized education, such as remedial education and self-learning programs to help prevent recruitment by violent extremist organizations
  • Provide children and caregivers with psychosocial support and social reintegration knowledge and skills to address youth trauma and improve their well-being
  • Strengthen the service delivery capacity of education authorities and actors to address local education needs as a step toward broader reintegration of a unified Syrian education system
  • Provide safe and sanitary physical learning spaces for children and youth
  • Provide TVET for out-of-school youths and out-of-work young adults, especially for women in female-headed households, to secure market-driven skills and find employment