Chemonics News and Blog

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USAID’s Climate Strategy in Action: Expanding Seedling Production in Lebanon Amidst Climate Change

Anastacia Hajj
April 24, 2024
2 Minute Read
In a blog originally written for Climatelinks, we share how USAID’s Lebanon Community Support Program, implemented by Chemonics, is leveraging renewable energy to support communities reliant on agriculture.
Víctor discussing the challenges that ComGuaviare faces with representatives from the Chemonics team.

Supporting Sustainable Livelihoods in the Colombian Amazon

Alasdair Shott |
June 14, 2023
4 Minute Read
With deforestation rising and greenhouse gases at critical levels, the need to promote and strengthen more sustainable livelihoods in the Colombian Amazon is greater than ever.
Stock photograph of a person's hand planting seeds in the earth.

Targeting a Just Transition as We Invest In Our Planet

Tara Sabre Collier | Oliver Paynel |
April 20, 2023
5 Minute Read
Climate change and social inequality are two of the greatest challenges facing the world today. As we invest in our planet, the onus is upon us to ensure the flows of climate finance and corresponding policies don’t further widen inequality and erode economic justice.
A group of elephants standing together in a savanna.

3 Questions with Chris Perine on Climate Solutions for a Changing Planet

Christopher Perine
August 27, 2021
< 1 Minute Read
What priorities should the global development community focus on to combat the climate crisis? Chris Perine shares three ideas in this video series.
An overhead view of several workers in hard hats standing in a circle outside.

Combating Climate Change with Data-Driven Development

July 9, 2021
2 Minute Read
This article, originally published in Foreign Policy, explores how leading edge data tools will shape the future of climate change-resistant development projects.
Image of a woman smiling and standing amongst corn stalks as she holds an ear of corn.

Climate-Smart Agriculture Means Changing Policies, Not Just Changing Techniques

Lyndsey Romick | Lark Walters
June 6, 2017
4 Minute Read
With approximately 1 billion more people to feed by 2030, farmers and governments are turning to climate-smart approaches in the face of uncertainty.

Building a Stronger Business Case for Resiliency Planning in Asia

Verone Bernard
May 1, 2017
4 Minute Read
Many businesses want to build greener supply chains, but may lack the financing and knowledge to turn that goal into reality. Can development implementers fill the gap?
Image of a woman looking up a hill with freshly tilled red soil.

3 Questions with Mario Kerby: A Voyage Through the Watershed

Mario Kerby
January 26, 2017
4 Minute Read
Mario Kerby shares lessons learned from a large project in Haiti, including how to use Google Earth to get buy-in from farmers and what cook stoves have to do with agroforestry.
A woman with a small child on her back posing amidst large green corn stalks.

3 Questions with Robert Anyang: Feeding the Next Generation in Uganda

Anyang Robert Tabot
December 22, 2016
3 Minute Read
Robert Anyang discusses Uganda's aging farming population, leveraging private sector investments, and the importance of local ownership.