Can We Actually Think and Work Politically?

Development is not working — at least not at the scale or pace needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. This is the central, fact-based premise behind calls and movements to do development differently from host-country recipients of aid, international organizations, donors, and implementing partners. Such calls emphasize adaptive, locally-owned, problem-solving approaches to tackle chronic development challenges.…

Increasing Access to Justice and Enhancing the Rule of Law in Rwanda

Rwanda has made a clear commitment to progress in the justice sector, but key challenges with legal aid provision, law implementation, and public understanding of the justice system remain. To overcome these challenges, USAID’s Duteze Imbere Ubutabera activity improves the quality and effectiveness of Abunzi, the community-based reconciliation system, to resolve local disputes. The activity…

Best of the Blog 2018

Check out our countdown to the most popular posts from 2018:* 10. Making Development Dollars Go Further By Spencer Parsons and Gabriel Gonzalez-Kreisberg It will require an extra $2.5 trillion to achieve the SDGs. Can the development community find creative ways to fill that gap? 9. How Can Countries Pay for Their Health Systems? Supply Chains Might…

Supporting the Peruvian Government to Promote Alternatives to Coca

In Peru, communities who rely on coca cultivation for their livelihoods are often wrought with insecurity and poverty. Data shows that coca cultivation only exacerbates these conditions. In recent years, to limit drug trafficking, Peruvian anti-drug institutions have eradicated coca cultivation fields, while other Peruvian institutions have provided alternative livelihoods to alleviate poverty and take…

Introducing the Rule of Law in Myanmar

Myanmar’s legal tradition is a unique combination of family customary law, codified English common law, and recent Myanmar legislation. In the five years since it embarked on its political transition, following the military government takeover and reorganization of courts, Myanmar continues to face a breadth of development challenges. Some of these include widespread poverty, an…