Incorporating a Trauma-Informed Approach in Primary Education Programming in Northwest Syria

Constant exposure to traumatic or distressing events can impact an entire community, as well as an individual’s psychological, emotional, cognitive, spiritual, and social wellbeing. This can be exacerbated when survivors are excluded from the decision-making processes…

Resource - Paper

Next Generation Early Grade Reading (NextGen) Activity

Since offering free primary education in 1994, Malawi has made remarkable strides in student enrollment, yet significant challenges to the quality of education have led to low literacy rates.
Project Page

Tajikistan Learn Together Activity

The Learn Together Activity (LTA) is a five-year project which aims to improve Tajik primary students' learning skills, with a focus on improving reading comprehension, critical thinking skills, and mathematics.
Project Page

Keeping Vulnerable Children in School – Evidence of a Successful Community Savings Model

This technical brief describes how ACCELERE!1 used microfinance income-generating activities and community savings groups to help parents secure a more sustainable future for their children through education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
Resource - Technical Brief

Injaz II

The Syrian conflict has raised an unparalleled need for access to education so that young Syrians have a chance to learn and thrive.
Project Page

ACCELERE! 1 Project

In a country where more than 7 million children are not currently in school, a systematic effort is targeting the primary education sector to help close that gap.
Project Page

Tajikistan Read with Me Project

By creating a strong foundation in schools that reinforces the value of reading, Tajikistan aims to position young children for lifelong success.
Project Page

Higher Education Leadership and Management (HELM) Project

Because the strength of Indonesia’s education system is vital to its economic and social growth, the Indonesian government has focused on improving the country’s institutions of higher education.
Project Page

Soma Umenye

One of the first countries to embrace USAID’s new reading-focused education policy in 2011, Rwanda is maintaining its momentum, advancing the literacy of at least 1 million children in the first through third grades.
Project Page