1 - 7 of 7 results for "moldova"

Moldova Competitiveness Project (MCP)

Since the ratification of two trade agreements in 2014, Moldova has been making steps to better position its brands and take greater advantage of its duty-free access to some of the world’s most prosperous markets.
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Competitiveness Enhancement and Economic Development (CEED) II Project

Key industries in Moldova, including textiles, information and technology, and wine, have grown more competitive, allowing Moldovan enterprises to better position themselves in markets at home and abroad.
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USAID Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity

Building on a decade’s worth of USAID activities in the agricultural and tourism sectors, RCRA will stimulate a sustainable and inclusive recovery from the regional crisis of conflict in Ukraine, accelerate inclusive, climate-resilient economic development in rural Moldova, and increase the competitiveness of key economic sectors: agriculture, wine, and tourism.
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Moldova Future Technologies Activity

The Moldova Future Technologies Activity (FTA) funded by USAID, Sweden, and the UK builds upon 15 years of work in economic competitiveness by connecting local innovative sectors to global markets.
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Social Responsibility Secures Better Jobs for Low Skilled Workers

Moldovan women, working within light industry factories, possess the opportunity for better salaries, safer working conditions, and enhanced productivity due to the USAID- and Sweden-funded Moldova Competitiveness Project SMART program.
Resource - Project Success Story

Gagauz Apparel Company Creates Jobs for Women in Rural Areas

RiDiager, a clothing manufacturer in the Gagauzia Autonomy, upgraded its facilities, opened new factories and created jobs for rural women with support from the Moldova Competitiveness Project. As a result, the owner has staff loyalty and an expansion in specialized production lines.
Resource - Project Success Story

Socially Responsible Manufacturing Brings Success

At a Moldovan shoe manufacturing plant, investments in modern production equipment lead to reduced waste and shorter production times, and increased salaries for some of the country’s most vulnerable workers.
Resource - Project Success Story