Agriculture Growing Rural Opportunities Activity
In Ukraine, enabling environment reforms and agriculture sector gains are vital for economic growth. Particularly in eastern and southern Ukraine, there is an economic decline of industry, and isolated rural communities have limited access to markets throughout the rest of Ukraine and Europe.
The USAID Agriculture Growing Rural Opportunities (AGRO) activity cultivates national and grassroots momentum in environmental reform, transforming economic landscapes for rural communities. Using a market systems approach, AGRO fosters competition, inclusion, and resilience among small- and medium-sized agricultural enterprises. AGRO recognizes the root causes of system disparities and tailors interventions to support women, youth, and internally displaced persons, such as partnering with firms run by women and youth and launching mentorship programs among female entrepreneurs, internally displaced persons, and youth. The market systems approach encourages behavior change and innovation so that economic opportunities can burgeon beyond the lifetime of the program.
By encouraging budding agricultural businesses and improving agricultural governance, the project strengthens the roots of not only crops but also economic growth.