Image of several people standing beside small huts and hung-up fishing nets on a rocky shore. The ocean stretches into the distance.

Re-Enforcing Resilience in Communities Across Borders .

Peace, Stability, and Transition | Resilience | Peacebuilding and Reconciliation | Resilience, Agriculture and Food Security | Food Security

Cross-Border Community Resilience Activity

Project Dates: November 2021 - October 2026
Empowering local entities to take ownership over development investments will be key to increasing long-term resilience for the cross-border clusters living in the Horn of Africa.

Cross-border “cluster” regions in the Horn of Africa have historically suffered from underinvestment and, as a result, face related challenges. Communities living in the cross-border towns of Karamoja, Moyale, and Mandera who move across Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, and Somalia’s borders face numerous shocks and stressors. These include ethnic conflict, drought, flooding, pest infestations, animal diseases, human diseases, extreme levels of poverty and inequality, and corruption, all of which destabilize communities.

The Cross-Border Community Resilience (CBCR) Activity is a regional $19M USAID-funded activity designed to enhance resilience and reduce the need for humanitarian assistance among communities in these cross-border clusters. In doing so, CBCR aims to empower local entities, including communities, civil society, the private sector, and governments, to chart their own pathways for addressing conflict, improving livelihoods, and reducing the risks of shocks and stresses. CBCR will also work to foster local ownership by supporting local leadership in work planning, implementation, and monitoring of development investments. This aligns with the aims of increasing resilience and reducing the long-term need for humanitarian assistance in these cross-border communities.

By empowering local communities in Karamoja, Moyale, and Mandera and placing ownership of development interests in their hands, the activity strives to foster and reinforce resilience for these cross-border communities.

Project Goals

  • Build capacity for locally led and managed programming
  • Strengthen social cohesion as a foundation for resilience programming
  • Expand conflict-sensitive, inclusive livelihood and employment opportunities in cross-border areas
  • Improve conflict-sensitive management and the equitable sharing of natural resources in cross-border areas
  • Enhance collaboration and learning across all activities and investments, inclusive of cluster stakeholders

Our Impact Expanding Livelihood Options for Youth in the Horn of Africa

In the fragile and conflict-affected Horn of Africa region, USAID’s Cross-Border Community Resilience Activity is partnering with local organizations to change the lives of young people.

Cross-border “cluster” regions in the Horn of Africa have historically suffered from underinvestment and, as a result, face related challenges. Communities living in the cross-border towns of Karamoja, Moyale, and Mandera who move across Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, and Somalia’s borders face numerous shocks and stressors. These include ethnic conflict, drought, flooding, pest infestations,…

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A group of young men stand behind the start of a wall they are building using the bricks they have made
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