Women smiling and sitting at a table outside as they sort dried dates.

Generating Jobs and Growth in Tunisia .

Business Enabling Environment | Economic Growth and Trade | Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development | Workforce Development
Middle East and North Africa

Jobs, Opportunities, and Business Success Activity

Project Dates: September 2017 - May 2023
Economic and political stability in Tunisia hinges on sustainable employment opportunities.

In Tunisia, high unemployment — particularly among college-educated youth — has been an ongoing source of sociopolitical tension and has left some Tunisian youth more susceptible to recruitment by extremist political groups. This is especially true in Tunisia’s rural regions, which are economically disadvantaged. For Tunisia to succeed politically and economically, it must focus on job creation, skill development, and business opportunities.

The USAID-funded Jobs, Opportunities and Business Success (JOBS) Activity creates jobs in Tunisia by providing targeted assistance to individual firms, allowing them to expand and hire new employees. JOBS improves workforce development and job placement by reforming the curricula of educational institutions to focus more on skills demanded by the private sector while also strengthening the capacity of job placement centers. The Activity also identifies and advocates for improvements in Tunisia’s business enabling environment through target policy reform. This approach increases inclusive private sector employment, which strengthens Tunisia’s political and socioeconomic stability.

Learn more on the JOBS website


Project Goals

  • Provide small and medium enterprises with resources and know-how to increase their competitiveness
  • Improve the match between university and vocational training systems and the actual needs of Tunisian businesses
  • Strengthen Tunisia’s business enabling environment by working with the public and private sectors to promote policy and regulatory reforms
  • Communicate to Tunisians, especially youth, the importance of market-led economic growth and entrepreneurship

Our Impact JoussourInvest: A Digital Solution to Bolster Business Success in Tunisia

To support micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), the USAID Jobs, Opportunities, and Business Success (JOBS) activity created Tunisia’s first online marketplace to connect entrepreneurs and private investors.

In Tunisia, high unemployment — particularly among college-educated youth — has been an ongoing source of sociopolitical tension and has left some Tunisian youth more susceptible to recruitment by extremist political groups. This is especially true in Tunisia’s rural regions, which are economically disadvantaged. For Tunisia to succeed politically and economically, it must focus on…

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A group of employees at Arsenal Bache measure and cut tarp to use as side curtain for a vehicle.
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A graphic showing an illustration of a hand holding up a smartphone. Besides the illustration is text that reads "Build for Sustainability: Tunisia Jobs, Opportunities, and Business Success Activity."

Living the Principles for Digital Development: Build for Sustainability

Ines Allouche of the USAID Jobs, Opportunities, and Business Success (JOBS) activity describes the steps her team is taking to ensure sustainability of a new online matchmaking platform for small and medium-sized businesses & investors

A woman smiling.

Empowering Youth to Drive Economic Reform in Tunisia

The Tunisia JOBS project works with university students to demystify the economic reform process and introduce how they can advocate for positive change that will create more job opportunities and improved competition.

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