Harnessing Tech for Sustainable Development

Learn how Chemonics experts and local community members in Colombia adapted open-source technology to conserve and protect one of the most biodiverse regions of the world.

3 Questions with Tim Sparkman on Capturing the Impact of Investment Facilitation

Tim Sparkman, managing partner at The Canopy Lab, advocates for the need to reassess how we measuring the impact of investment facilitation.

Living the Principles for Digital Development: Design with the User

In Georgia, the USAID Zrda Activity works to support micro-small, and medium-sized enterprises to boost economic growth.

Civic Justice: A Prevention-Based Approach to Reduce Crime in Mexico

By bridging municipal security and access to local justice, the Civic Justice Model, implemented by the USAID-funded Violence Prevention and Reduction Activity addresses and resolves conflicts to avoid escalation of violence.

Manahel SEP – Building hope for future generations

The Syria Education Programme II (SEP II) is a four-year programme funded by UK aid and implemented by Chemonics to provide education to primary school-aged children in conflict-affected areas of Northwest (NW) Syria.

Strengthening LMIS in HIV Care and Treatment

Through USAID and PEPFAR support, the USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project helped contribute to strengthening HIV care services with a donation of 58 computers in eight health re

InfoMed Software Supporting HIV Treatment

In the DRC, the Global Health Supply Chain-Technical Assistance Francophone Task Order helped improve the supply chain with the implementation and use of Infomed, a software that eased the transportation of HIV