Building a Financial Services Market Where There Wasn’t One

How did one USAID initiative get banks on board to provide $1 billion in services in rural Colombia? How can we do that elsewhere? It takes a systemic, business-driven approach to connect supply with demand at scale.
Blog Post

She Is an Agripreneur: Enabling Female Entrepreneurship in Agribusiness

When economically empowered, women reinvest in their communities — leading to greater self-reliance, prosperity, and food security. To support these outcomes, the development community should adopt high-impact initiatives for female entrepreneurs in the agriculture sector.
Blog Post

Competitive Economy Program

Through a broad-based economy and the ability to compete in international markets, Ukraine is on a path to increased economic power and political independence.
Project Page

Socially Responsible Manufacturing Brings Success

At a Moldovan shoe manufacturing plant, investments in modern production equipment lead to reduced waste and shorter production times, and increased salaries for some of the country’s most vulnerable workers.
Resource - Project Success Story

Social Responsibility Secures Better Jobs for Low Skilled Workers

Moldovan women, working within light industry factories, possess the opportunity for better salaries, safer working conditions, and enhanced productivity due to the USAID- and Sweden-funded Moldova Competitiveness Project SMART program.
Resource - Project Success Story

Gagauz Apparel Company Creates Jobs for Women in Rural Areas

RiDiager, a clothing manufacturer in the Gagauzia Autonomy, upgraded its facilities, opened new factories and created jobs for rural women with support from the Moldova Competitiveness Project. As a result, the owner has staff loyalty and an expansion in specialized production lines.
Resource - Project Success Story

Securing our Future: Partnerships for Youth

How can we use the resources of public-private partnerships to solve youth unemployment and position young people to tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges – in agriculture, natural resources, tourism, and more?
Blog Post

Creating a Win-Win for Youth and the Private Sector

We know the importance of the private sector in development outcomes, but how do we ensure our youth workforce development programs are meeting the ever-changing demands of the labor market?
Blog Post