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Chemonics News

News: Chemonics Helps Foster Economic Opportunity at the India-Afghanistan Trade and Investment Show

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At the Passage to Prosperity: India-Afghanistan Trade and Investment Show, exporters and investors come together to establish productive business relationships, broker deals, and strengthen the region’s overall economy.

New Delhi, India: Beginning Wednesday, September 27, the Passage to Prosperity: India-Afghanistan Trade and Investment Show will bring together more than 1,000 public and private sector participants for a three-day trade and investment event. The purpose of the trade show is to support Afghan producers in expanding their exports to Indian markets.

Creating opportunities for Afghan products to reach global markets is a critical juncture in Afghanistan’s economic growth. With an estimated $3 trillion in untapped resources, Afghanistan is ripe for development and stands to gain a great deal from growing commercial relationships, particularly with India, currently the largest consumer of Afghan goods.

“We are at a point when strengthening the economic partnership between Afghanistan and India could advance and benefit both countries in a sustainable, real way,” says Eric Reading, Chemonics’ executive vice president. “Trade shows like Passage to Prosperity can be the catalysts for deals that have the ability to impact the regional economy dramatically.”

Hosted by the governments of India and Afghanistan and sponsored by USAID with support from Chemonics, Passage to Prosperity will serve as a valuable platform for business-to-business negotiations across a variety of industries. Thirteen sectors will be represented and showcasing product samples, including pharmaceuticals and health; fresh fruit and cold storage; clean energy; textiles, leather, and apparel; and marble. Exporters of famed Afghan carpets will also participate, displaying their hand-woven carpets known for superior quality, color, and patterns. Chief executive officers from major Indian companies will interact with exporters, and thematic panel sessions will take place throughout the show.

The trade show follows a White House statement made in July, in which President Donald Trump called on neighboring countries to increase their participation in development efforts for Afghanistan. Similarly, USAID continues to maintain its focus on private sector-led growth as an effective way to help stabilize the Afghan economy through increased employment and security.

Passage to Prosperity builds on momentum created by other investment shows, many of which were also supported by the Chemonics-implemented Afghanistan Trade and Revenue Project (ATAR). The trade and investment show will highlight recently signed agreements, showcase Afghan and Indian innovation, and launch a forthcoming single-sector event series. It will also feature an exhibition hall where Afghan exporters will showcase their wares, including produce, textiles, and precious gemstones, hoping to negotiate deals with prominent Indian investors.

Are you joining Chemonics at Passage to Prosperity in New Delhi from September 27 to 30? If you are unable to attend in person, follow along on our social media channels using #Passage2Prosperity.