Case Study: Promoting Transparent Development in Iraq: Unveiling Challenges and Cultivating Trust through Collaboration

This case study explores how the Iraq Regional Program II (IRP) is promoting partners’ open reporting of challenges and failures by building trust, establishing collaborative learning platforms, and adopting techniques to be culturally appropriate. The study provides actionable recommendations on promoting transparent communication, relationship building, and contextualized programming to enhance stabilization outcomes.  

Meeting the Moment: Local Changemakers Lead in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

Local ownership, especially in fragile, conflict-affected, and non-permissive environments, is critical. So how can development donors and implementing partners bolster partner-driven strategies for sustainable development and meaningful change? Participants included both local and D.C.-based NGOs, community-based organizations, thought leaders, research and policy institutes, local governments, advocacy groups, and implementing partners who have moved the needle in the…

The Yemen International Forum: A Space for Constructive Dialogue and Opportunities

On 26 July 2023, a group of Yemeni civil society organisations launched the Yemen Declaration for Justice and Reconciliation. This initiative, much needed for durable peace efforts, came out of the Yemen International Forum (YIF), which was held in June 12–15 2023 at The Hague. Having had the privilege of attending this year’s YIF, organised…

Supporting Global Food Security and Farmer Survival with Data

The USAID Ukraine Agriculture Growing Rural Opportunities Activity (AGRO) was able to urgently reconfigure programming using beneficiary feedback and operational data to react to the most critical needs by introducing emergency response elements into its usual approach. Elements of this video have previously been featured by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations…

Incentivising and Stabilising a Peace Process Through Sensitive and Responsive Programming

Complex conflicts across Africa and Asia are posing a significant threat to regional and international stability. These conflicts are influenced by various factors including vested interests of superpowers, strategic alignments of regional actors, political leadership, availability of resources, and the number of armed actors. This makes it difficult for conflict resolution actors and programmes to…

Erik Landemalm

Erik Landemalm has over 20 years of international experience focused on East and Southern Africa. Prior to joining Chemonics, Erik spent many years based in Somalia and Kenya, leading international development projects around the region focused on Rule of Law, legislative and executive institutional strengthening, and supporting civil society organizations for various donors including the…

Saeed Uri

Saeed Uri is Chemonics’ senior vice president for impact. He has more than fifteen years of experience managing development projects, including more than ten years in complex, high-speed, and challenging positions in fragile or transitional environments such as Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Sudan, and Libya. While leading Chemonics’ efforts on adaptive programming in dynamic environments, Saeed…

Championing Migrants’ Integration in Colombia

More than 2 million Venezuelans have migrated to Colombia since 2016, fleeing social, economic, and political hardship in search of employment and essential services. This massive population influx, coupled with sizeable numbers of Colombian returnees displaced by 50 years of armed conflict, has acutely strained public and private services and systems, particularly in urban areas…

Simon Vickers

Simon Vickers is an experienced Project Director who has specialized in designing and managing programs in fragile and conflict-affected states for FCDO, UN, EU, Canadian and Dutch donors. He has experience in conflict management, peacebuilding, security and justice sector reform, local governance, research, CVE and stabilization; mostly across the MENA region and Sahel. Simon joined…

Dr. Mette Bastholm Jensen

Mette Bastholm Jensen has spent more than a decade working on and in fragile and conflict-affected environments. Combining a research background with extensive field and government experience, she has spent much of her career conducting and translating analysis into actionable advice, particularly in stabilization contexts. Prior to joining Chemonics, Mette served most recently as an…