Building the Economy and Promoting Peace in Colombia

Colombia’s 52-year conflict has debilitated some its rural areas, where the topography is difficult, the road infrastructure minimal, and the state presence weak. Negligible state presence in these areas has allowed illegally armed groups to form and narco-trafficking activities to proliferate, afflicting populations with high levels of poverty and violence. In the absence of effective,…

Using Evidence-Based Analysis for a Food-Secure World

Headquartered in Washington, D.C. and with more than two dozen regional and national offices around the world, the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) rigorously analyzes data and information that indicate an area is or will soon be facing food insecurity or famine. The network also provides early warnings to donors and governments, equipping…

Taking an Economic Step Forward

Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world, but its economy is headed in the right direction. To continue its progress, Afghanistan must attract private investment, create jobs, and increase regional trade. Responding to these aims, the USAID Afghanistan Trade and Revenue Project (ATAR) developed economic policies and regulations that focused on three areas: trade…

Boosting Food and Economic Security in Afghanistan

More than 80 percent of the people living in southern Afghanistan work in agriculture, and one-third of the region’s gross domestic product comes from the production of crops and livestock. However, in recent years, agricultural productivity has fallen significantly behind neighboring countries — in some cases these numbers are historically low. USAID’s Regional Agricultural Development…

Intermediary Business Models for Improved Market System Processes and Relationships

The Feed the Future Uganda Commodity Production and Marketing (CPM) activity began in 2013 and ran for five years. CPM works to increase productivity and income of rural families so they can lift themselves out of poverty and thrive. The activity harnesses market forces and uses innovative methods to increase the quantity and quality of coffee, maize, and beans that…

News: Chemonics’ Melissa Logan Elected Chair of SID-Washington

The Society for International Development-Washington Chapter (SID-Washington) announced today that Chemonics Managing Director for Ethics and Risk Management Melissa Logan has been elected to a three-year term as Chair of SID-Washington’s board of directors. With a broad membership, SID-Washington is one of the development community’s most influential and inclusive organizations. Prior to Ms. Logan’s election…

News: Chemonics Welcomes Ambassador Mark Green as USAID Administrator

Chemonics International welcomes the U.S. Senate’s unanimous confirmation of Ambassador Mark Green as the 18th Administrator of USAID. As a distinguished career public servant and diplomat, Ambassador Green brings extensive experience in international development and diplomacy to the agency. Ambassador Green served as U.S. ambassador to Tanzania, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives…

Tourism Can Be an Engine of Economic Growth — If It’s Done Right

Tourism is an industry with the capability to transform international development. Tourism is the largest service industry globally, accounting for nearly 10 percent of global GDP. Nearly 293 million jobs, or one in eleven jobs around the world, are within the tourism sector. Tourism is currently featured in three of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),…

Q&A with Christy Sisko on the Revenue Capital Approach (Part 2 of 2)

This post is the second of a two-part blog series, originally featured on Microlinks, showcasing a question and answer session with Christy Sisko, technical manager for Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices at Chemonics, on the revenue capital approach and its revolutionary effect on the small and medium enterprise (SME) financing world. This…

Q&A with Christy Sisko on the Revenue Capital Approach

This post is the first of a two-part blog series, originally featured on Microlinks, showcasing a question and answer session with Christy Sisko, technical manager for Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices at Chemonics, on the revenue capital approach and its revolutionary effect on the small and medium enterprise (SME) financing world. This…