Gender and Health

Chemonics is committed to building gender-responsive and gender-transformative programming by understanding and addressing the context-specific social norms, power structures, and limitations on access to resources that impact people and communities.

2022 Forum on New Approaches to Countering Corruption Across Sectors

This virtual Forum brought together development practitioners, donors, and academics working to overcome the obstacles to sustainable progress created by corrupt practices and institutions to varying degrees in every country and every sector of development where USAID, Chemonics, and our partners around the world are pushing for meaningful changes that improve people’s lives. We used…

High-Impact Partnerships for Closing the Gender Digital Divide

Access to mobile technology and the internet can help boost gross domestic product (GDP) through job creation and greater productivity, increasing access to markets, services, and information. However, despite the global adoption of technology over the last decade, access and use have not been equally distributed. There are still almost 3 billion people currently unconnected,…

Improving Lives through Access to High-Quality Family Planning

Access to high-quality voluntary family planning enables individuals, couples, and families to improve their sexual and reproductive health, transforming their lives while contributing to their communities’ economic growth and resilience. Yet more than 200 million women who want to avoid pregnancy lack access to modern contraceptive methods. This limits their ability to decide whether to…

Frontiers of Digital Development Forum 2022

The forum will bring together tech enthusiasts and skeptics from across the digital development sector for important debates and dialogue on frontier digital trends, enriching networking, and hands-on learning opportunities. This is a hybrid event, scheduled for November 1 and 2 in Washington, D.C. and online. Register Here to Attend In Person Register Here to…

Perspective: Our Energy Experts on the Inadequacy of Bangladesh’s Power Sector

Last week, the blackout that shut down much of Bangladesh for seven hours starting at 2 pm local time on October 4th – followed by days of more frequent load-shedding than before the outage – underscores the inadequacy of the country’s energy sector to power its dynamic economy and growing population. Despite years of expansion…

Making Central Bank Digital Currencies Work for Development

Money is going digital, full steam ahead. Within the past five years, interest around Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) has exploded. Nearly 100 CBDCs are currently in research or development stages, with CBDCs in Nigeria and the Bahamas already launched. Unlike volatile cryptocurrency assets (e.g., bitcoin and stablecoins), CBDCs offer promising development benefits through central…

Perspective: Marvie Javed on Climate Change and the Flooding in Pakistan

In this “Perspective” post, Marvie Javed, a senior specialist in Environment and Natural Resources at Chemonics who is based in Lahore, Pakistan, reflects on the recent flooding in the country and considers the following question: What are some immediate actions that climate experts and development practitioners can take to help protect vulnerable communities and to…

Final Report: HRH2030 in the Philippines

In the Philippines, HRH2030 supported the Philippines Department of Health (DOH) to strengthen recruitment, deployment, development, retention, and performance management of the health workforce.

Final Report: HRH2030 in Indonesia

HRH2030 offered a strategic, comprehensive plan to improve health outcomes by enhancing the availability and use of quality HRH data to strengthen the health workforce.