Scaling HIV and TB Prevention and Treatment in Nigeria

Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa, with approximately 40 percent of the population under the age of 15. Nigeria also has one of the largest HIV/AIDS burdens in the world, ranking 14th amongst the highest TB burden countries. Through USAID’s Nigeria Strategic HIV/AIDS and TB Response Program (SHARP), Chemonics is leading Nigeria SHARP…

Sprouting Opportunities in Rural Ukraine

In Ukraine, enabling environment reforms and agriculture sector gains are vital for economic growth. Particularly in eastern and southern Ukraine, there is an economic decline of industry, and isolated rural communities have limited access to markets throughout the rest of Ukraine and Europe. The USAID Agriculture Growing Rural Opportunities (AGRO) activity cultivates national and grassroots…

Tracking Products’ Temperature to Ensure Medication Quality

Health product manufacturers and shippers go to great lengths to ensure appropriate storage conditions for cold-chain health commodities, using specialized equipment including vehicles with temperature-controlled truck beds or refrigerated shipping containers. On the other hand, the storage conditions for ambient (non-cold chain) products are not well documented or understood, despite international good distribution practices, which…

Improving Health through Digitized Logistics Information

Millions of children in Pakistan are at risk of neonatal, infant, and under five mortality due to untreated diarrhea and pneumonia. In response, the Government of Pakistan and other stakeholders have deployed various progressive interventions to improve maternal and child health care in Pakistan with the goal of ending preventable childhood deaths due to pneumonia…

Preventing Conflict at its Roots in Lebanon

Despite advances in rebuilding Lebanon’s physical, social, and economic infrastructure, many Lebanese citizens experience inadequate access to public services and economic opportunities. The Syrian conflict has placed additional strain on communities, reducing cross-border trade and bringing an estimated 1.5 million refugees to Lebanon. Host-community fatigue and tensions over resources and livelihoods are mounting. In response,…

Spurring Inclusive Growth in the Philippines

In the Philippines, economic progress is constrained by weak competitiveness and non-inclusive growth. However, recent high-level economic reform directives, like the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program and the “Build, Build, Build” infrastructure program, present opportunities to transform the country’s economic trajectory. The USAID Delivering Effective Government for Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth (DELIVER) project promotes economic competitiveness…

Transforming Economic Governance in Vietnam

In Vietnam, economic growth is transforming urban provinces into hubs of innovation. Meanwhile, rural provinces have yet to catch up. To bridge this gap, local government officials must have the ideas, skills, and resources needed to lead their own economies into the future. The USAID Strengthening Provincial Capacity activity equips three Vietnamese institutions from the…

Stepping Up Public Accountability in Somalia

Somalia faces heightened public scrutiny as its government manages $92 million of E.U. budget support while striving to meet International Monetary Fund performance benchmarks. Its ability to adopt sound fiscal policy and improve financial governance will determine its eligibility for debt relief. At this critical juncture, the Federal Parliament of Somalia must strengthen its financial…

Protecting Food Value Chains Across Africa

Aflatoxin is a poison produced by a soil fungus that can infect crops, threatening food security, health, and trade in many developing countries; contaminating the food value chain; and costing hundreds of millions of dollars each year in export opportunities. In Africa specifically, aflatoxin causes stunting in children and an estimated 30 percent of all…

Toward a More Competitive Economy in Ukraine

Political developments since the Maidan “Revolution of Dignity” give Ukraine the opportunity to create an open and competitive economy that can sustain growth over time, withstand systemic shocks, and provide economic opportunities to all Ukrainians. The USAID Competitive Economy Program (CEP) promotes a strong, diverse, and open economy by enhancing the business environment for small…

Closing Economic and Community Divides in Pankisi

The Pankisi Valley in Georgia’s Kakheti region is disconnected religiously, geographically, politically, and socially from the rest of Georgia, which makes the mostly Muslim Kist population feel excluded from the country’s mainstream. The USAID Community Links Activity in Georgia forges linkages among people of different age groups and religious affiliations within Pankisi, building social cohesion…

Strengthening Logistics Information and Management Systems in Chad

Effective management of health supplies remains a challenge for alleviating the impact of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis in Chad. In collaboration with the Fonds de Soutien aux Activites en Matiere de Population et de Lutte Contre le Sida, the Global Fund is working to strengthen the country’s national response to HIV/AIDS and scale up prevention…