Theory of Change: It’s Easier Than You Think

Imagine you are chronically late to work. If your goal is to get to work on time, you may have identified multiple reasons for being late. If you only consider one of these reasons and don’t identify root causes, which are simply other reasons for your lateness, you will continue to be late. One reason…

Marcos Moreno

Marcos Moreno is the chief of party for the Feed the Future Bangladesh Horticulture, Fruits and Non-Food Crops Activity. He is an agriculture and youth development expert with more than 30 years of experience, including 20 years at senior management levels, creating sustainable economic opportunities for the next generation via agribusiness development projects in East…

Samantha Salcedo-Mason

Samantha Salcedo-Mason leads the knowledge management and communications, monitoring and evaluation, and data analytics teams for the USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program – Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project. Samantha has worked in the public health supply chain space for more than a decade. She previously served as director of knowledge sharing and communications…

Daniel Taddesse

Daniel Taddesse has more than 18 years of pharmaceutical and public health development experience with government and development organizations, including project management, system design, capacity building, monitoring and evaluation and cultivating strategic relationships with stakeholders. Currently, Daniel leads a team of more than 150 in Ethiopia for the GHSC-PSM project. He has extensive experience in…

Philip DeCosse

Philip DeCosse leads development and implementation for Chemonics’ applied research, evaluation, and learning agenda in the U.S. An agricultural economist, he brings 30 years of substantive experience as a development professional. In recent years, Philip led Chemonics Agriculture and Food Security Practice and then led as Senior Vice President of Chemonics’ portfolio in West and…

Chris Gegenheimer

Chris Gegenheimer is a director for Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Technology and leads efforts in rolling out new data collection, management, analysis, and visualization technologies across home and project offices. Since joining Chemonics, Chris has been in the MEL department supporting proposal and project teams in Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia, Africa, and…

Better Data for Better Farms in Ghana

Agriculture is a vital part of Ghana’s economic ecosystem. The country is known for producing staple food crops, such as maize, yams, and cassava; cocoa is the main cash crop. More than half of the Ghanaian labor force and one-quarter of the country’s entire GDP depends on agriculture. Given the sector’s central role, it is…

Dr. Jennifer Swift-Morgan

Jennifer Swift-Morgan is an education and governance specialist with more than 20 years’ experience designing, managing, and evaluating innovative programming in Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East. Her expertise includes education systems strengthening for learning, assets-based political economy analysis to inform public service reform, and applied research. Jennifer served as technical director of USAID’s…

Tracy Shanks

Tracy Shanks is an international development leader with 22 years of experience in private sector development, trade and investment, business enabling environment, democracy and governance, strategy, and program management. Previously, Tracy served as the senior vice president of the Afghanistan and South America regions at Chemonics and as a four-time chief of party for USAID…

Preston Motes

Preston Motes is an international economic development specialist with more than 20 years of experience designing and implementing programs focused on private sector competitiveness, entrepreneurship, workforce development, local economic development, and tourism. He is currently a senior director in Chemonics’ Middle East and North Africa regional business unit and a member of the Economic Growth…

Brian App

Brian App is an international natural resource management specialist with over 20 years of experience working in the climate and environmental sectors. Brian currently serves as a Senior Climate Services Director in Chemonics’ Climate Group where he helps identify and better understand climate risks and opportunities to improve climate integration into programs and proposals across…