Women’s Groups Leading the Way Towards Self-Reliance in Mali

On a recent visit to a rural village in Dioila district, part of the Koulikoro region in Mali, I met with the local women’s group to discuss how to promote family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) and how to increase access to these services in their community. There, surrounded by more than 100 volunteers who…

Critical Role of Female Community Health Workers Warrants Recognition

When the government of Bangladesh, a country with high rates of maternal mortality, invested in midwifery training programs in 2015, many of the newly minted midwives from the first cohort headed to Cox’s Bazar to provide services to thousands of Rohingya refugees fleeing deadly violence in Myanmar. Though female community health workers (FCHWs) operate in…

Securing Her Land Rights in Tajikistan

Salomat Chorieva Breaks the Mold At age 16, Salomat Chorieva started her first job on a farm in Tajikistan. She endured harsh working conditions, growing cotton and wheat on 700 square meters of farmland. She handed over all her harvests to the head of the farm, who undercompensated her for her labor. Working within a…

New Skills Allow Young Moldovan Designer to Find Work at Home

The Moldova Competitiveness Project (MCP), funded by USAID and Sweden, invests in targeted design, technology, and business-knowledge training for workers in the fashion industry. The project addresses education gaps and equips workers with creative and technical skills to increase the competitiveness of businesses. Through MCP, OldCom, a Moldovan shoe company, not only employs but improves…

Enhancing Stability in Somalia

Somalia has suffered decades of conflict and weak transitional governments, triggered by the collapse of its central government in 1991. These conditions undermine government accountability and hinder trust in state authorities. Since 2012, Somalia has made some progress toward overcoming these challenges, but without local accountability and strong legislative processes, stability remains a distant reality.…

Shauna Caria

Shauna Caria is the global practice lead for Chemonics’ Gender Equality and Social Inclusion practice. With over 10 years of international development experience in Southeast Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, Central Asia, South Africa, and Eastern Europe, Shauna is an expert on disability inclusion, women’s empowerment, mainstreaming gender and social inclusion, combatting gender-based…

Improving Health and Human Capital in Bangladesh

Bangladesh made remarkable improvement in population health outcomes, reducing maternal, infant, and under-five mortality rates. Despite these achievements, however, the health system in Bangladesh struggles to provide quality, affordable health services to its population, particularly the poor. Since 1997, Smiling Sun Clinics — the world’s largest NGO network of maternal and child health clinics —…

Restoring Forests in Northern Haiti

Deforestation in Haiti is driven by a variety of factors — demand for wood-based fuels, high population density, lack of resources in rural areas, and weak enforcement of natural resource regulations. For communities in Northern Haiti, economic and environmental vulnerabilities have escalated deforestation and reduced forest cover in the region’s watersheds. USAID’s Reforestation Project is…

Establishing a Land Market in Tajikistan

During the last 10 years, Tajikistan has made great strides in reforming land legislation and increasing knowledge of land-use rights within rural communities. The Feed the Future Tajikistan Land Market Development Activity supported the next wave of reforms by establishing a functional agricultural land market that ensures the orderly transfer of land-use rights in the…

Sustainable Energy Solutions for Haiti

Haiti’s widespread deforestation is in large part due to the high demand and mass production of charcoal used for household energy needs, particularly for traditional cook stoves. The World Health Organization cites exposure to traditional cook stoves as one of the five most serious health risks in the developing world. To establish a sustainable market…