Hiring Interns with Disabilities: Lessons in Inclusion from Development Project Offices

Every year, December 3 marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. An estimated one in six people on Earth live with a disability — whether apparent or non-apparent, permanent or temporary. Although societies around the world have made progress toward disability inclusion, people with disabilities remain severely underemployed compared to the general population. In…

Advancing Quality Inclusive Education for Children in Syria

Lily is a nine-year-old girl from northwest Syria who has Down’s syndrome. Like many other children with disabilities in northwest Syria, Lily missed out on her early school years due to a lack of accessible classrooms and trained teachers. This experience was exacerbated by conflict and instability which made even the most basic services hard…

Monitoring and Evaluation Strategies for Disability Inclusion in International Development

Integrating disability inclusion into international development programming is critical to achieving inclusive development goals. This guide is intended to support proposal and project teams in meeting requirements for disaggregated participant data (or other disability inclusion measures) and to integrate disability inclusion into their monitoring and evaluation plans. It includes background on data and disability inclusion,…

Dr. Kenya Dugger

Dr. Kenya Dugger brings 21 years of experience in the Army and Department of Defense, and more than twelve years of experience working with executives and employees in the areas of global diversity and inclusion, data analysis, culture awareness, ethics and compliance, and human resources. Prior to his position at Chemonics, Kenya spent two years…

Inclusive Practices: Collaborating with People Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Deaf and hard of hearing people are often sidelined by lack of access to language at an early age, information, resources, education, and employment. This marginalization results in high risk for developmental and mental health problems. Yet, like others with disabilities, with appropriate access to resources and inclusive practice, Deaf and hard of hearing people…

Promoting Quality Education in Tajikistan

Tajikistan has free and compulsory basic education, with high enrollment and completion rates. However, the education system faces many challenges, including an insufficient budget, a lack of professional-development opportunities for teachers, and outdated curricula and educational materials. The USAID Learn Together Activity addresses these challenges by partnering with the government of Tajikistan and the private…

Building an Inclusive and Accessible Remote Work Environment

This post originally appeared on Inclusive Development Partners Blog. Beyond the fact that many employers worldwide are required to provide reasonable accommodations , creating accessible and inclusive remote work environments can drive productivity and innovation as well as increase morale. In fact, working remotely has been considered a reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities. And while ensuring inclusiveness, accessibility, and…

How USAID’s Solicitations and Resulting Awards Include Underrepresented Groups

The paper’s background section explains why the study focused on these four social groups and explores the diversity that exists across and within them. In addition, the paper examines whether it is effective to use the phrase “vulnerable groups” to refer to the collection of social groups that programming is intended to include. The paper…

Disability-Inclusion at Chemonics International

Chemonics’ systems and practices are designed intentionally to include diverse abilities, which also means representation in decision-making and resource allocation and designing programs so that persons with disabilities can fully participate. There are six principles Chemonics uses to promote inclusion in all their work, which range from partnering with Disabled People’s Organizations to targeted outreach…

Increasing Access to Justice and Enhancing the Rule of Law in Rwanda

Rwanda has made a clear commitment to progress in the justice sector, but key challenges with legal aid provision, law implementation, and public understanding of the justice system remain. To overcome these challenges, USAID’s Duteze Imbere Ubutabera activity improves the quality and effectiveness of Abunzi, the community-based reconciliation system, to resolve local disputes. The activity…

Shauna Caria

Shauna Caria is the global practice lead for Chemonics’ Gender Equality and Social Inclusion practice. With over 10 years of international development experience in Southeast Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, Central Asia, South Africa, and Eastern Europe, Shauna is an expert on disability inclusion, women’s empowerment, mainstreaming gender and social inclusion, combatting gender-based…