Wayne Lifshitz

Senior Director, Supply Chain Management

Wayne Lifshitz is an entrepreneurial senior leader, systems-thinker, business strategist, and strategic connector with more than 20 years of cross-cutting experience in Big 5 consulting, start-up, nonprofit, federal, and social enterprise sectors. He is currently a…

Person - Specialist

Mauricio Moscoso

Chief of Party, Peru Institutional Strengthening Partnership for DEVIDA

Mauricio Moscoso currently serves as the chief of party for Peru Institutional Strengthening Partnership for DEVIDA. He has over 15 years of experience in consulting, designing, and implementing economic development projects in Latin-American, Asia, and Eurasia. …

Person - Specialist

Andrew Baker

Chief of Party, Punjab Enabling Environment Activity

Andrew Baker currently serves as the chief of party for the Punjab (Pakistan) Enabling Environment Project. Previously, he served as a home office project management director and was responsible for the technical, contractual, and financial oversight…

Person - Specialist

Ricardo Sanchez

Chief of Party, Colombia Natural Wealth Project

Ricardo Sánchez is currently the Chief of Party on the USAID Natural Wealth project in Colombia. He has over 20 years of experience implementing complex environment and natural resource (ENR) programs for international donors, including USAID,…

Person - Specialist

Oscar Jacob

Oscar Jacob is a Senior Manager at Chemonics with over eight years of experience designing and implementing agricultural market development, investment facilitation, and climate finance programs in Sub-Saharan Africa and Haiti. He specializes in blended finance…

Person - Contributor

Luis Fernando Jara

Chief of Party, USAID Páramos and Forests Activity

Luis Fernando Jara is a forestry and climate change expert with 40 years of experience in project design and management, capacity building, and development of the forestry sector across the climatically diverse regions within Colombia, Costa…

Person - Specialist

Fred Kasongo

Fred Kasongo was the senior implementation director on the ACCELERE! project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He is a humanitarian and development professional with over 25 years of experience in project management, including design,…

Person - Contributor

Nathalie Albrow

Nathalie formerly served as project director on the Bangladesh Advancing Universal Health Coverage project and the Senegal Building Resilient Health Systems activity.

Person - Contributor

Dany Khy

Senior Advisor, Private Sector Engagement

Dany Khy is a senior international development professional with more than 16 years of experience leading programs in economic development with a focus on entrepreneurship, finance, and forging innovative public-private partnerships in the world’s largest emerging…

Person - Specialist

Estefania McPhaul

Economic Growth and Trade Global Practice Lead

Estefania McPhaul is an economic growth and trade specialist with more than ten years of progressive experience managing complex economic growth projects for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the World Bank, and the…

Person - Specialist

Razan Quossous

Deputy Chief of Party and Commercial Sector Lead, Recycling in Jordan Activity

Razan Quossous is an economic growth expert with more than 20 years of experience in the sector. Razan currently serves as the deputy chief of party and commercial sector lead for the USAID Recycling in Jordan Activity.…

Person - Specialist

Carlos Morales

Chief of Party, Guatemala Biodiversity Program

Carlos Morales has over 20 years of experience implementing USAID and other donor funded projects in Latin America. He worked for over than ten years in the Guatemalan food industry, developing an exhaustive understanding of the…

Person - Specialist