3 Questions with CIO Anne Kottmeier on Technology and Innovation in Development

Chemonics’ new Chief Information Officer (CIO) Anne Kottmeier joins us with a wealth of global experience in information technology management in different industries. In this blog, she explores how technology and innovation are crucial to development, and what we can learn from others to enhance our impact.
Blog Post

Living the Principles for Digital Development: Design with the User

In Georgia, the USAID Zrda Activity works to support micro-small, and medium-sized enterprises to boost economic growth. Zrda partnered with Georgian Farmers Association and the Adjara Group to create Agronavti, a matchmaking app.

A Local Certification System in Georgia: Steppingstones to Meeting Market Demands

The GeoGAP experience can help groups — such as farmers’ associations and implementing partners — consider whether supporting a certification scheme is appropriate for their context and provides insights for adapting approaches.
Resource - Technical Brief

Digitizing the Agricultural Value Chain

How can development implementers navigate low- and middle-income countries' technology infrastructure challenges to help facilitate the development of successful, innovative, digital technologies? This blog provides key lessons learned from the award-winning Agronavti app from the USAID's Zrda Activity in Georgia.
Blog Post

Playing Matchmaker for Farmers and Buyers in Georgia

Georgian farmers struggled to sell crops to large-scale buyers. But a new matchmaking app connects farmers to buyers in the hospitality industry for bountiful results.
Impact Story

Measuring the Adoption of Nutrition and Sanitation Practices for Sustained Behavior Change

The USAID Feed the Future Tajikistan Agriculture and Water Activity (TAWA) focuses on raising the incomes of rural women by engaging them directly in agricultural productivity while also boosting awareness of better nutrition and sanitation behaviors.
Resource - Technical Brief

Embedding CLA Practices into the Activity Early on Fostered Improvements in Nutrition, Sanitation, and Farm Production in Southwestern Tajikistan

Food insecurity and inadequate dietary intake are major public health problems across Khatlon province in Tajikistan. However, the Feed the Future Tajikistan Agriculture and Water Activity aims to directly engage rural women in agricultural productivity, boosting awareness of better nutrition and sanitation behaviors.
Resource - Technical Brief

Fostering Agricultural Markets Activity

Aiming to enter the European Union, Bosnia and Herzegovina must improve the economic value of the agriculture sector.
Project Page

Moldova High Value Agriculture Activity (HVAA)

Moldova’s agriculture sector has a promising future, but to become more competitive and achieve its full potential, the country needs systematic support.
Project Page