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Living the Principles for Digital Development .

Video Series | September 16, 2021

In 2017, Chemonics endorsed the Principles for Digital Development. Our technical experts explain how they have applied some of these best practices to their development work.

The Principles for Digital Development are living guidelines designed to provide best practices for development practitioners using digital technology to achieve development impact. A community-driven effort, the principles themselves are the result of many lessons learned and shared by development projects around the globe. In keeping with that spirit, we invited members of our team to share how they put these principles into practice.

Video 1: Design with the User (featuring USAID Georgia Zrda Activity)

Video 2: Understand the Existing Ecosystem (featuring Small and Medium Enterprise Activity in Pakistan)

Video 3: Reuse & Improve (featuring Justice for Sustainable Peace in Colombia)

Video 4: Design for Scale (featuring Learn Together Activity in Tajikistan)

Video 5: Build for Sustainability (featuring USAID JOBS Activity in Tunisia)

Video 6: Use an Open Approach (featuring USAID Global Health Supply Global Chain Program – Procurement and Supply Management Project)

Video 7: Be Collaborative (featuring Moldova Future Technologies Activity)

Video 8: Be Data Driven (featuring Ghana LMIS Support Program)

Video 9: Address Privacy and Security (featuring XCEPT Research Programme)