A woman smiling as she carries a bundle of sticks.

Balancing Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainability in Indonesia .

Water and Sustainable Cities | Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resource Management | Nature-based Solutions

USAID Indonesia Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (SEGAR)

Project Dates: February 2021 - February 2024
The Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions activity ensures Indonesia makes progress toward meeting its development objectives by promoting biodiversity conservation and integrating inclusive economic development with sustainable land use.

One-third of Indonesia’s 75,000 villages, home to 32 million people, lie within or adjacent to land dedicated by the government for forestry or conservation. All Indonesian citizens depend on healthy ecosystems for goods and services, including water, soil, forest products, and others that underpin sustainable development. However, weak governance, a lack of private sector commitment, and low smallholder capacity hamper the management of these natural resources.

The USAID Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (SEGAR) activity works in targeted jurisdictions with high conservation values and high carbon stock to improve natural resource management. SEGAR’s interventions improve the sustainability of initiatives that reduce threats to biodiversity and greenhouse gas emissions from unsustainable land use. The interventions also facilitate investment in sustainable land management and increase inclusive economic and social benefits from conservation and natural resource management.

Through its interventions, the activity ensures Indonesia advances its development objectives by balancing biodiversity conservation and sustainable land use with inclusive economic and livelihoods development.

Project Goals

  • Strengthen inclusive environmental governance in targeted subnational jurisdictions
  • Advance biodiversity conservation, sustainable forest management, and sustainable land use
  • Implement interventions to achieve environmental and social sustainability goals within private sector natural resource commodity production supply chains
  • Reduce threats to biodiversity and greenhouse gas emissions from land use