Embedding CLA Practices into the Activity Early on Fostered Improvements in Nutrition, Sanitation, and Farm Production in Southwestern Tajikistan

Food insecurity and inadequate dietary intake are major public health problems across Khatlon province in Tajikistan. However, the Feed the Future Tajikistan Agriculture and Water Activity aims to directly engage rural women in agricultural productivity, boosting awareness of better nutrition and sanitation behaviors.
Resource - Technical Brief

OpenLMIS Deployment in Malawi Enhances Health Commodity Data Collection

With the assistance of USAID’s Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project, Malawi’s Ministry of Health found a sustainable and scalable software solution in using OpenLMIS version 3.0. Now, the Ministry more efficiently collects essential health commodity logistics data nationwide.
Resource - Technical Brief

Private Sector Engagement in Behavior Change Communications Initiatives

The USAID Zambia Communications Support for Health program, in an effort to better expand the impact of health communication campaigns, implemented a robust private sector engagement strategy within the country. Project staff framed the opportunity as a mutual investment built on equal business collaboration and returns.
Resource - Technical Brief

Technical Brief: Behavior Centered Programming in Zambia

Zambia Communications Support for Health program, in an effort to improve the capacity of health-sector organizations, applied the technique of Behavior-Centered Programming, a set of tools that give a voice to program participants and harmonizes social and behavior change communications initiatives.
Resource - Technical Brief