(RFA) No. 2022-001-FHM-Madagascar, FHM Engage Madagascar

Frontier Health Markets (FHM) Engage Madagascar, implemented by Chemonics International, is seeking to award a sub-agreement to an organization to conduct rapid landscape assessments for market diagnosis and to identify recommendations. The organization will then organize the facilitation of local market actors to develop, lean test, and pilot marketplace solutions for strengthening Quality of Care (QoC), Supply, and Client driven demand for integrated FP, MCH, and Nutrition services through the private health sector for hard to reach urban/peri-urban areas populations, which will include the use of e-vouchers for youth.

The sub-agreement will be awarded and implemented in accordance with USAID and US Government regulations governing sub-agreements under cooperative agreements and FHM Engage Madagascar’s internal sub-agreement management policies. Work will be performed under supervision of the Chief of Party of FHM Engage Madagascar and under the technical approval of Pathfinder; in collaboration with FHM Engage’s global staff, all local implementation partners, and consultants.

Annexes included with this Request for Applications:

  • Annex A – Sub-Agreement Application Template
  • Annex B – Implementation Plan Timeline
  • Annex C – Sub-Agreement Application Budget Form
  • Annex D – Mandatory and Required As Applicable Standard Provisions
    • Standard Provisions for U.S. and Non-U.S. Nongovernmental organizations receiving a fixed amount award can be accessed here. The successful applicant will be required to follow these standard provisions which will be included as an annex to the subaward agreement.
  • Annex E – How to get a UEI/DUNS number(English)

Issuance Date: December 12, 2022

Please submit all questions concerning this solicitation to the attention of Kessarin Horvath, Senior Associate, via email to fhmmadagascarrecruit@chemonics.com. The deadline for submitting offers is 05:30pm Antananarivo, Madagascar time on January 9, 2023. Applications (including the budget and supporting documentation) should be submitted in electronic copy to the FHM Engage Madagascar team at fhmmadagascarrecruit@chemonics.com and should reference RFA No. 2022-001-FHM-Madagascar.

Request for Applications – 2022-01-FHM-Madagascar