We Can’t Respond to Famine Caused by Conflict in the Same Way as Famine Caused by Drought

In conflict- and famine-affected states, interventions can undermine innate community resiliencies that could offer some protective effect for families and individuals. It is well-understood that violent conflict is a major cause, or the primary cause, of each of the globe’s four most pressing food security crises — in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen —…

Elizabeth Martin

Elizabeth Martin is a conflict specialist with more than ten years of experience in the design, management, and assessment of USAID programs in a variety of developing countries. She also has more than two years of experience working in conflict-affected countries. Prior to joining Chemonics, she worked for the USAID/CMM office, serving during that time…

Bridget Burke

Bridget Burke is a director with more than 13 years of experience in conflict, disaster, and post-conflict transitional settings. Bridget works part-time at Chemonics, and part-time as a practicing psychotherapist and consultant on staff care, leadership, and stress/resilience. Bridget  is trained in trauma response and applies a unique focus on trauma and mental health to…

Anna Slother

Anna Slother oversees Chemonics’ USG Operations, a portfolio devoted to the company’s U.S. Government-funded development projects. This portfolio has more than 5,000 employees around the globe and more than 100 projects in 96 countries across 15 technical sectors in global development, including USAID’s largest-ever contract the Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM)…

Tracy Shanks

Tracy Shanks is an international development leader with 22 years of experience in private sector development, trade and investment, business enabling environment, democracy and governance, strategy, and program management. Previously, Tracy served as the senior vice president of the Afghanistan and South America regions at Chemonics and as a four-time chief of party for USAID…

Michele Piercey

Michele Piercey is an international development practitioner with 17 years of experience, 11 of which have been in the field. She has managed conflict mitigation projects across the world, as the leader of stabilization and political transition programs in Afghanistan and Tunisia, and most recently, as chief of party for the USAID/OTI-funded Iraq Regional Program. …

Rhett Gurian

Rhett Gurian is currently the chief of party of the USAID Lebanon Community Support Program (CSP). He previously served as the senior vice president of Chemonics’ West and Central Africa and Haiti region and the chief of party for the USAID Syria Essential Services (SES) project based out of Jordan. Also, as chief of party,…

Enrique Rivas

Enrique Rivas is the Senior Vice President, Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Business Unit.  He has more than 30 years of experience with social and economic development projects in areas of post-conflict and political instability. He has served as chief of party on six programs, including on the Juntos Para la Prevención de la…

Ensuring Sustainable Peace in Colombia

In 2012, the government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) embarked on a peace process, which concluded successfully in 2016 and helped end fifty years of violent conflict. Since signing the peace agreement, the government has had to address the key challenge of ensuring that citizens in conflict-affected regions have access…

Addressing Drivers of Violent Extremism

Funded by the U.S. Department of State, the Sadaqa project worked in partnership with the Ministry of Islamic Affairs (MoIA) to promote peace and tolerance in Mauritania by strengthening and spreading key capacities required for countering violent extremism. This pilot activity partnered with MoIA to develop a strategy and approaches for propagating MOIA’s earlier successful…