“A Conversation With…” is a series that explores the topics, experiences, and perspectives of Chemonics’ experts from around the world. This inaugural edition features Dr. Jennifer Swift-Morgan, a Fulbright U.S. scholar and a senior advisor at Chemonics, who spent one year in Cameroon teaching graduate students and working with faculty at the University of Yaoundé…
Over a six year implementation period, ACCELERE!1 worked in four languages of instruction with nearly 5,000 schools with over 3.6 million enrolled students across nine provinces in the DRC. The project aimed to increase early grade reading outcomes by making schools safer, reducing barriers for students, and partnering with parents to improve retention. ACCELERE! also…
From April 25 to May 2, Chemonics will join the global education community at the 2021 Virtual Annual Conference of the Comparative & International Education Society (CIES 2021) to present and share lessons from implementation and discuss high-priority education issues. Chemonics’ specialists will present on a range of topics facing the education community, including approaches…
Alaa Zaza was the team lead for the Syria Education Programme. He is an education and child protection specialist with 15 years of experience in inclusive education and school social work. Alaa has targeted experience in education in emergency, early childhood development, social emotional learning, psychosocial support, and peace- and conflict-sensitive education.
Tajikistan has free and compulsory basic education, with high enrollment and completion rates. However, the education system faces many challenges, including an insufficient budget, a lack of professional-development opportunities for teachers, and outdated curricula and educational materials. The USAID Learn Together Activity addresses these challenges by partnering with the government of Tajikistan and the private…
Tetyana Dudka is the senior vice president of Chemonics’ Europe and Eurasia regional business unit. She joined Chemonics in 2009 and brings more than 20 years of experience leading and supporting development programs in Europe and Eurasia, with a technical focus on market systems development, competitiveness enhancement, institutional reforms, public-private partnerships, investment and trade promotion,…
In July 2020, the USAID Lecture Pour Tous program supported Senegal’s Ministry of Education to pilot a distance learning approach to providing continuous professional development (CPD) to early grade reading educators. The pilot assessed the feasibility and applicability of self-guided distance professional development for teachers, coaches, and school inspectors, that could be used on a…
Senegal has made considerable efforts to improve its education system, which have led to some increases in primary school enrollment and strategies to improve quality. However, it still faces challenges in improving student performance. In response, the Ministère de l’Education nationale (MEN), or the Ministry of National Education, has made reading one of its priorities…