Luis Chavez has over 30 years of experience designing and managing economic growth projects in Latin America and Africa. As a Chemonics home office project director, he is responsible for managing projects in the Latin America and Caribbean region and designing new projects as part of the region’s business development efforts. These projects are primarily focused…
During the last 10 years, Tajikistan has made great strides in reforming land legislation and increasing knowledge of land-use rights within rural communities. The Feed the Future Tajikistan Land Market Development Activity supported the next wave of reforms by establishing a functional agricultural land market that ensures the orderly transfer of land-use rights in the…
One of the major challenges facing the Lebanese economy is job creation, particularly for youth, university graduates, and women. Private sector job opportunities have not kept pace with the growing number of Lebanese citizens looking for work. To generate private sector employment, USAID’s Lebanon Enterprise Development project helps enterprises expand their activities; increase sales; and…
How can strong partnerships support sustainable tourism around the world? What roles should international development practitioners, financial organizations, governments, and the private sector play in tourism development? These are the kinds of questions that participants will tackle at the Conference on Jobs and Inclusive Growth: Partnerships for Sustainable Tourism, which takes place from November 27…
Wine is of significant importance to the Moldovan economy because it is one of the only products exported with its full value chain completed in-country and high employability in rural areas. The Moldovan wine sector has opened new markets and reoriented exports to the EU, China, and the U.S. by organizing promotion activities. The ‘Wine…
Using a facilitation approach, Chemonics’ partners with local businesses and service providers to improve market linkages, foster innovation and product development, increase access to new or improved inputs, and identify market opportunities. Chemonics’ work improves access to capital, enhances technical skills, and strengthens the sustainability of high-quality business development services. These efforts lead to growth…
According to the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), tourism is one of the fastest growing industries, contributing to employment and stability in almost every part of the world. Since 1975, Chemonics’ inclusive and sustainable development has strengthened tourism in more than 56 countries. Our tourism activities touch upon all five of the UNWTO themes for…
Katy Tchumburidze has 22 years of experience technical and high managerial expertise in value chain and private sector competitiveness interventions, entrepreneurship promotion and micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) development, business development services, and MSME financing. Katy is currently the chief of party for the USAID Zrda Activity in Georgia that promotes inclusive and sustainable…
Improving the effectiveness of a program, policy, product, or organization requires assessing strengths and weaknesses — also known as evaluation. From November 6 to 11, evaluators, scholars, and students from around the world convene in Washington, D.C., for the American Evaluation Association’s annual conference to explore diverse evaluation practices and learn from their successes. The…
This post originally appeared on the SEEP Network‘s blog. Discussing failure is difficult because it implies that someone didn’t do their job well. Too often, the discussion stops there. Yet, the complexity of our work means that forces beyond our control often influence the outcomes of our programs, making it worth finding a way to discuss…
This fact sheet provides a brief description of how the Aflasafe Technology Transfer and Commercialization (ATTC) Program transitioned from research and development of the most appropriate aspergillus flavus strains, engaging investors in the business strategy and technology, sharing the implementation and execution among farmers, and finally achieving results in Nigeria. These results included: 100,000 hectares…