Many women and girls, persons with disabilities, and ethnic and religious minorities experience challenges in accessing safe and clean water and sanitation, sometimes placing them at greater risk of gender-based violence (GBV), which affects one in three women. According to the International Institute for Environment and Development, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practitioners and policy…
Digital technology is transforming the way people and organizations connect and conduct business, and this transformation’s impacts on the economy are significant. Despite these advances, digital transformation is not reaching people equally around the world. In this technical brief, we present four considerations for advancing the digital economy based on our experiences applying them in three projects in Colombia,…
This virtual Forum brought together development practitioners, donors, and academics working to overcome the obstacles to sustainable progress created by corrupt practices and institutions to varying degrees in every country and every sector of development where USAID, Chemonics, and our partners around the world are pushing for meaningful changes that improve people’s lives. We used…
This September, Chemonics held its second annual company-wide contest to identify innovative approaches and solutions that drive locally led development. The contest encouraged all members of Chemonics’ global workforce to share how they center local communities and users in inclusive design. Submissions included examples of project teams engaging the public and private sectors, civil society,…
Access to mobile technology and the internet can help boost gross domestic product (GDP) through job creation and greater productivity, increasing access to markets, services, and information. However, despite the global adoption of technology over the last decade, access and use have not been equally distributed. There are still almost 3 billion people currently unconnected,…
The forum will bring together tech enthusiasts and skeptics from across the digital development sector for important debates and dialogue on frontier digital trends, enriching networking, and hands-on learning opportunities. This is a hybrid event, scheduled for November 1 and 2 in Washington, D.C. and online. Register Here to Attend In Person Register Here to…
For the second event in its end-of-project legacy series, HRH2030 program convened a panel of HRH experts and partners across for “Six Years in 60 Minutes: Learning from the HRH2030 Program.”
Chris currently serves as team leader on the HMG-funded Western Balkans Rule of Law Initiative, a highly adaptive transparency & accountability and criminal justice program working across each of the Western Balkans 6. Chris is a lawyer by background and has worked on many aspects of criminal, civil, and commercial justice as well as on…
A deep understanding of the gender and social norms, and the complexities influencing stability, is needed to ensure stabilization programming is addressing the right problem, in the right way. This often starts with talking to members of the community and local colleagues, reading reports, and, these days, monitoring social media to track trends. In challenging,…
The HRH2030 Jordan activity provided tailored technical assistance and capacity building interventions to help Jordan meet its HRH needs for improved health outcomes.
Conflict narratives in fragile states are often framed by identity groups or other non-state actors along ideological or ethno-sectarian lines to achieve political ends. But in many instances, the main grievances of populations in affected communities are centered around basic dignity and livelihoods. Non-state actors, including violent extremists, often try to capitalize on these grievances…