Village health team members meet outside in Uganda.

    Community Health Workers Offer Solutions to Extend Malaria Services

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    Reaching everyone with high-quality malaria services often hinges on whether community health workers have the necessary training and resources.

    This post originally appeared in The Frontline Health Workers Coalition.

    To end malaria, no one can be left behind. However, despite great strides in reducing malaria incidence and deaths, some populations remain unreached. Trained community health workers, because of where they live and the trust people have in them, are one of the best cadres to reach those who have limited access to quality malaria services. Chemonics and Malaria Consortium recently hosted a webinar, “Extending Our Reach: Critical Actions to End Malaria,” and heard from Jenneth Aber and Charles Ojara, two Village Health Team, or community health, workers in Uganda…Read the full blog here.

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