Final Report: Maximizing Agricultural Revenue and Key Enterprises in Targeted Sites II

MARKETS II supported the U.S. government’s Feed the Future initiative, the government of Nigeria’s Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA), and its succeeding Agriculture Promotion Policy 2016 – 2020 (also known as the Green Alternative). Through a market-demand value chain orientation, the project focused on the large population of smallholders with between 1 to 5 hectares of…

Confused about Theories of Change? Try This Exercise

Theories of change (ToC) are actually simpler than you think.  The ToC is just a road map. It’s the articulation of how and why a given set of interventions will lead to specific change. Here is a simple activity to create a theory of change. Take out a few sticky notes and have your team jot…

Final Report: Resilience in the Limpopo Basin (RESLIM) Program

The goal of RESILIM, a five-year contract funded and administered by USAID/Southern Africa, was to improve transboundary management of the Limpopo River Basin and enhance the resilience of its people and ecosystems. With the support of the four Basin governments — Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe — the program was geared toward collaboration with…

Final Report: Governance Strengthening Project (GSP/TAQADUM)

GSP/Taqadum made advances in building the capacity of provincial governments to plan and deliver services with the participation of their constituents. Designed to transfer knowledge and strategies through innovative standardized systems and effective methodologies, the project worked side-by-side with provincial leaders and their staff to develop a unique and wide-ranging set of tools. The transfer…

Reducing Obstetric Fistula in Rwanda

Obstetric fistula is a childbearing injury that occurs when a perforation develops between the bladder or the rectum and the vagina. The USAID Rwanda Family Health Project (RFHP), in conjunction with the Ministry of Health of Rwanda, formulated an approach to promote early care-seeking behavior for women who have fistula and to address prevention of…

Increasing Demand for and Supply of Non-Scalpel Vasectomies

Vasectomies are one of the most effective forms of contraception currently available, with a failure rate of 0.15 (typical use) as compared to 9.0 for oral contraceptive pills. The USAID-supported Rwanda Family Health Project (RFHP) worked closely with the Rwandan Ministry of Health to increase use of vasectomy by addressing issues related to demand for…

Key Considerations for Land Tenure Policies that Affect Youth

The land tenure challenges that youth face are complex and connected to larger issues of agency, assets, enabling environment, and contribution. Using a deliberate “youth lens” can play a critical role in strengthening young people’s sense of agency when it comes to land. In terms of cultivating awareness of land rights among those in rural…

Cultivating Moldova’s Historical Wine Sector

Wine is of significant importance to the Moldovan economy because it is one of the only products exported with its full value chain completed in-country and high employability in rural areas. The Moldovan wine sector has opened new markets and reoriented exports to the EU, China, and the U.S. by organizing promotion activities. The ‘Wine…

Enterprise and Enterprise Development

Using a facilitation approach, Chemonics’ partners with local businesses and service providers to improve market linkages, foster innovation and product development, increase access to new or improved inputs, and identify market opportunities. Chemonics’ work improves access to capital, enhances technical skills, and strengthens the sustainability of high-quality business development services. These efforts lead to growth…

Chemonics’ Work in Public Financial Management

Chemonics help countries better address their own development needs by increasing institutional and human capacity to forecast, manage, and increase domestic resource mobilization, and increase domestic resource mobilization, and simultaneously build capacity to plan and execute budgets, as well as monitor, evaluate, and report on budget expenditures. Chemonics also engages in fiscal policy and pension…

Chemonics’ Work in Financial Services

Chemonics works to help MSMEs develop and improve micro-lending, lending, purchase order financing, mobile money, insurance, and savings products. Through USAID Development Credit Authority (DCA) credit guarantees, Chemonics is also expanding small and medium enterprise (SME) lending. In partnership with host country government ministries, central banks, and regulators, Chemonics also develops appropriate financial sector policies…