New Skills Allow Young Moldovan Designer to Find Work at Home

The Moldova Competitiveness Project (MCP), funded by USAID and Sweden, invests in targeted design, technology, and business-knowledge training for workers in the fashion industry. The project addresses education gaps and equips workers with creative and technical skills to increase the competitiveness of businesses. Through MCP, OldCom, a Moldovan shoe company, not only employs but improves…

Socially Responsible Manufacturing Brings Success

At OldCom, one of Moldova’s most famous shoe manufacturers, production has transitioned from low-value technical and work footwear, to fashionable, modern shoes, but the people and processes in the factory struggled to keep up with demand. Until recently, all of OldCom’s products were conceptualized and sketched by a single designer, and materials were cut by…

Social Responsibility Secures Better Jobs for Low Skilled Workers

The Moldova Competitiveness Project (MCP) SMART program (Streamline Manufacturing, Accountability, Resource efficiency and Transparency) supports large factories to assess risks, enhance productivity, and improve occupational health and safety. This results in more jobs, good working conditions, and salaries up to twice the national average for the thousands of women these factories employ. This is significant…

Moldovan Tech Entrepreneur Connects Youth with Jobs

Iulian Gulea, a Young Moldovan programmer, came across the issue of how employers were struggling to connect youth with jobs, and vice versa. From that problem emerged the idea for an app that he developed with recruitment expert Eugeniu Girla, combining their expertise to create their startup GAUS. This app leverages Moldova’s expertise in Artificial…

Gagauz Apparel Company Creates Jobs for Women in Rural Areas

Svetlana Arabadji, director and owner of the RiDiager apparel company based in Comrat, Gagauzia, envisioned her business as a good quality workplace providing decent salaries for rural women. This in turn would result in strong returns for her business: quality production with a lower turnover of seamstresses, and higher productivity. This vision is in alignment with the USAID- and Sweden-funded Moldova Competitiveness Project’s (MCP) strategy to enhance the…

What Works to Prevent Violence Among Youth?

What works in preventing and reducing violence among youth? This report draws on the global evidence base of evaluations of existing interventions designed to reduce or prevent violence and identifies those with the greatest evidence of effectiveness. We find six types of interventions for which there is strong evidence of effectiveness in preventing at-risk individuals…

Final Report: Feed The Future Ghana Agriculture Policy Support Project

While Ghana has experienced much needed growth and development in the agriculture sector, the Ghanaian government has identified many opportunities to address remaining challenges to unlock its full economic potential. To address these challenges, the U.S. government launched the five-year, $15 million Feed the Future Agriculture Policy Support Project in 201, which increased  the capacity of…

Promoting Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Chemonics programs support low-cost, high-impact interventions for clinical and community-based family planning and gender-based violence (GBV) prevention. Through grants to local organizations, Chemonics is working to improve SRH services in health facilities, youth centers, and one-stop clinics. Chemonics also provides technical assistance and support procurement for essential reproductive health commodities in more than 15 countries…

Days of Data: Step-by-Step Guide

In 2018, our Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Team developed and launched a “Days of Data” campaign where we solicited input from people around the company who had expressed interest in data visualization. We worked with them to identify a message and an appropriate visual. We then built the visualization with them. Once ready, we made…