Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Adaptation Activities: A Reference Guide for City Managers

Climate adaptation initiatives are increasing at both the international and national level. At the local level, cities are leading the way, committing to ambitious climate adaptation goals through global city networks or groups. Adaptation monitoring and evaluation (and importantly, learning) of activities can help cities move beyond city- and project-level progress reporting. This reference guide…

People on the Move: Strengthening Adaptation Responses to Support Human Movement in a Changing Climate

Risks associated with climate variability and change are increasingly recognized as drivers of both internal migration and displacement. This study contributes to the growing field exploring adaptation responses to climate-related human movement by firstly examining the role of climate variability and change and climate-induced hazards as risk multipliers in the context of human movement. The…

Energy Governance in Developing Countries — A New Approach

This technical brief shows how poor energy governance damages energy access and efforts to improve the quality and reliability of power. It explains the political reasons why energy governance is so poor in many countries and contrasts this with the current system of procuring technical assistance, which largely ignores the energy governance challenge. It shows…

Why Tackling Energy Governance in Developing Countries Needs a Different Approach

This paper outlines the size and nature of the energy challenge, with a focus on electricity. It describes the investments that are currently being made to improve the quality of power and access to electricity — and the growing evidence that investments often fail due to poor energy governance. The paper then delves more deeply…

Getting to (2+6): A Toolkit for Responsive Numeracy Programs

Check back for new chapters! Numeracy—or the ability to use, interpret, and communicate mathematical information—is critical to a child’s education. Children who master mathematical principles are often better able to navigate the world, prepared with strong foundations in science, technology, engineering, and beyond. Dispelling the myth that only select students can succeed in math and…

Final Report: Adaptation Thought Leadership and Assessments (ATLAS)

USAID’s Adaptation Thought Leadership and Assessments (ATLAS) activity launched in 2014 to assist the Agency and its partners in refining approaches and promoting best practices in designing and managing climate-resilient program investments. ATLAS conducted user-tailored climate vulnerability assessments, provided thought leadership on emerging climate adaptation issues, and contributed knowledge and capacity-building to USAID, its partners,…

Synthesizing Good Practices in Climate Adaptation Assessments

One major activity within the ATLAS (Adaptation, Thought Leadership and Assessments) project was to provide guidance for integrating climate change risk management and adaptation into USAID design and implementation of sectoral and cross-sectoral programming. The purpose of this document is to summarize approaches taken for a set of CCVAs (climate change vulnerability assessments) completed by…

Health on Ice: The journey of medical supplies

In this podcast series, GHSC-PSM experts discuss the lessons learned from transportation of critical health commodities in low-resource settings—especially during COVID-19—as they apply to vaccine transportation.

Final Report: Punjab Enabling Environment Project (PEEP)

The USAID Punjab Enabling Environment Project (PEEP) was a seven-year (2014 to 2021), $18.48 million project that provided support to businesses through policy and regulatory reforms, improved infrastructure, and institutions. The project improved the enabling environment for the province’s agriculture sector and promoted private sector-led growth, with a focus on the horticulture and dairy and…

Final Report: USAID Quality Reading Program–Time to Read

Between October 2016 and March 2021, the USAID Quality Reading Program–Time to Read (TTR) made substantial progress in improving the early grade reading environment in the Kyrgyz Republic. TTR worked hand-in-hand with the Kyrgyz Ministry of Education and Science to improve literacy outcomes through a comprehensive program targeting primary grade students, teachers, school directors, librarians,…