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A professional headshot of Audrey Spencer.

Global Practice Lead, Education Audrey Spencer

Audrey Spencer has over 15 years of experience as an international education professional specializing in programming and training for literacy, numeracy, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), teacher support and healthy youth practices that are grounded in inclusive and gender-equitable foundations. Audrey is the Global Practice Lead for Education, and has provided technical assistance and thought leadership on projects in Central Asia, Africa, the Americas, and the Pacific regions. She has experience forging successful partnerships with countries’ Ministries of Education, research and training entities, civil society, and grassroots stakeholders to design, implement and grow sustainable projects that consistently meet or exceed targets. Audrey served as both staff and volunteer with Peace Corps (Belize 2005-2007, Uganda 2011-2015) spearheading the agency’s flagship education initiative, Read for Life, in collaboration with Let Girls Learn. As an elementary school principal, literacy specialist, and lead teacher, Audrey was a founding educator with Aspire Public Schools in Los Angeles. She keeps her teacher skills sharp by tutoring children in Washington D.C. through Reading Partners and serves as the organization’s board member for the city. She holds an M.A. in education, specializing in curriculum and instruction, and a B.S. in elementary education.

by Audrey Spencer

The Case for Practical Techniques for Inclusive Classrooms

While efforts to improve inclusion of learners with disabilities are gaining traction with donors and ministries of education, those efforts largely focus on identification and disability mapping to get policy into place. Approaching inclusive education solely from the lens of policy development leaves the classroom teacher and the children she serves waiting. Practical implementation of…