Financial Sector Series #10: Establishing Modern Secured Financing Systems in Developing Economies

This report provides U.S. government program designers with a basic technical understanding of the core requirements to introduce finance secured by movable property, a tool used to increase access to finance, especially for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Resource - Paper

Financial Series #1: Enabling Sub-Sovereign Bond Issuances

This primer, Enabling Sub-sovereign Bond Issuances, provides U.S. government (USG) program designers with a basis of technical understanding of sub-national finance as a sustainable approach to supporting local government infrastructure development and improved service delivery.
Resource - Paper

Final Report: Financial Sector Knowledge Sharing Project

This final report provides a summary of project activities, presents results and lessons learned, and enables access to the technical resources, tools, and templates produced by the Financial Sector Knowledge Sharing (FS Share) project.
Resource - Project Report

Final Report: Championing Economic Growth Best Practices in Asia and the Middle East – Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices

USAID’s Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices Project and the bureau’s technical support teams worked to identify country priorities, capture and disseminate best practices, and pilot innovative technologies and approaches to enable more-inclusive economic growth in Asia and the Middle East.
Resource - Project Report

Chemonics’ Work in Public Financial Management

This primer provides an overview of how Chemonics works with governments to build and maintain sound, effective, transparent, and accountable public financial management systems.
Resource - Technical Brief

Final Report: Trade Facilitation Project

Through the Trade Facilitation Project (TFP), Chemonics assisted USAID’s West Bank/Gaza mission to support economic stability through interventions with the public and private sectors.
Resource - Project Report